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Report No.

Experimental determination of phase equilibria in the Mn-Zn binary system

Imatomi, Daisuke*; Ishikawa, Ryosuke*; Nakata, Akira*; Ito, Tatsuya   ; Han, K.*; Nagasako, Makoto*; Xu, X.*; Omori, Toshihiro*; Kainuma, Ryosuke*

Phase equilibria in the Mn-Zn binary system were experimentally determined by chemical composition examination, crystal structure determination, and thermal analysis. Major changes were detected for the $$beta$$, $$varepsilon$$, and $$delta$$ phases. The $$beta$$-B2 single-phase region could not be confirmed in the studied system because a disordered body-centered cubic structure, which is identical to the $$delta$$Mn phase, was confirmed in a quenched sample from the previously proposed region of $$beta$$ phase. The $$varepsilon$$ phase has been controversial whether the phase is separated into $$varepsilon$$, $$varepsilon_{1}$$, and $$varepsilon_{2}$$ phases or not. By studying a diffusion couple and several alloy compositions, it was established that the $$varepsilon$$, $$varepsilon_{1}$$, and $$varepsilon_{2}$$ phases are not separate and comprise a single $$varepsilon$$ phase. Furthermore, the $$delta$$ phase is not present in the Zn-rich region of the system because the corresponding invariant reactions were not detected via thermal analysis.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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