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Report No.

Clarification of debris formation conditions on the basis of the sampling data and experimental study using simulated fuel debris, 5; Damage behavior of lower plenum due to reaction with metallic debris

Sato, Takumi ; Shimomura, Kenta ; Nagae, Yuji 

In the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, a molten metal pool might be formed in the lower plenum after the core slumping, and this metal debris is considered to have contributed to the initial failure of the lower plenum structures such as the control rod drive mechanism (hereinafter referred to as CRD). In order to understand the failure behavior of the lower plenum due to the reaction with the metallic debris, we conducted simulation tests using simulated metallic debris (SUS304-Zr alloy) and a simulated CRD structure test bundle, and small-scale reaction tests between the simulated metallic debris and the structural materials.



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