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Report No.

Technological development of the particle size adjustment of recycle powder, 9; Mass production scale pulverization tests of collision plate-type jet mill and spiral jet mill

Segawa, Tomoomi ; Takashima, Hayato; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Ono, Takanori; Okumura, Kazuyuki; Kawaguchi, Koichi  ; Ishii, Katsunori 

In the pulverizing process of dry recycled powder on a mass production scale, pulverizing equipment with a classifying function is required to efficiently obtain a dry recycled powder that does not contain particles with excessive particle diameters. Since the maximum particle diameter tends to increase as the feed rate of raw material powder increases, focusing on the classification method, pulverization tests were performed on a mass production scale using collision plate-type jet mill and spiral jet mill with a classifying function. The results of these tests showed that the tendency of the maximum particle diameter to increase with increasing feed rate of the simulated raw material powders was different for each of the jet mill. This is considered to be attributable to differences in the characteristics of the classifying function of each mill.



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