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Study on coating technic to enhance accident tolerance of fuel cladding, 1; Overview of accident tolerant coating technic studies and apparatus development in JAEA

Yamashita, Shinichiro   ; Mohamad, A. B. ; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki  ; Soma, Yasutaka   ; Ishijima, Yasuhiro ; Sato, Tomonori  ; Ioka, Ikuo  ; Pham, V. H.   ; Miwa, Shuhei  ; Nakajima, Kunihisa  ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Osaka, Masahiko  

JAEA is conducting research on various coating technologies for fuel cladding tubes aimed at improving accident resistance. In the lecture, we will introduce new equipment development at JAEA aimed at using these studies in addition to an overview of the entire project.



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