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Report No.

Development of 3D view application debrisEye for decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Yamashita, Takuya  ; Shimomura, Kenta ; Nagae, Yuji ; Nagai, Eiichi*; Yasumatsu, Tomohiro*; Nakashima, Satoru*; Ogino, Shoya*; Mizokami, Shinya*

Internal investigations of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) have been conducted, and the internal situation is gradually becoming clearer. In addition, trial debris removal has been conducted and much information is being obtained. The information obtained from the trial debris removal is managed in the decommissioning fundamental research database (debrisWiki), which was established by JAEA and TEPCO. However, it is difficult to understand the entire accident progress only from individual data. Therefore, we developed a 3D view application (debrisEye) for 1F decommissioning. debrisEye was created by Unity. For the CG displayed in debrisEye, pre- and post-accident conditions were constructed. The pre-accident status was created using design information and point cloud data from periodic inspections. The post-accident status was created mainly from the results of the internal investigation. For areas where internal investigations have not yet been obtained, the information in the estimation diagram was reflected. CG displayed on debrisEye can be viewed from any viewpoint and angle using the functionality contained in debrisEye. It is also possible to clipping at any cross section and to show or hide each part. debrisEye can be linked to and used with debrisWiki to write information in any location, thus displaying the analysis results and location of the debris collected. Visual linking of debris analysis results with on-site information is expected to facilitate understanding of accident progress and improve efficiency of decommissioning work.



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