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Report No.

Experiences from the cutting of metallic blocks from simulant Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris

Journeau, C.*; Molina, D.*; Brackx, E.*; Berlemont, R.*; Tsubota, Yoichi   

CEA has manufactured a series of Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris simulants, either with depleted uranium oxide or with hafnium oxide as a surrogate of UO$$_{2}$$. In ex-vessel compositions resulting from an interaction between corium and concrete, the oxidic phase density becomes lighter than that of the metallic phase, which segregates at the bottom. Three of these metallic phases have been mechanically cut at CEA Cadarache with handsaw and with core boring tool in FUJISAN facility. It appeared that two of these metallic blocks were extremely hard to cut (one from a fabrication with uranium oxide, the other from a simulant block) while the last one was more easily cut. The similarities and differences in metallographic analyses (SEM-EDS and XRD) of these three metal blocks will be presented and discussed. This experience provides useful learnings in view of the cutting and retrieval of fuel debris from Fukushima Daiichi



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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