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Development of quick and remote analysis for severe accident reactor, 9-1; Current results and challenges in development of laser in-situ remote analysis for nuclear fuel debris in decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station-2

Wakaida, Ikuo  ; Oba, Hironori  ; Akaoka, Katsuaki ; Karino, Takahiro ; Sakamoto, Kan*; Nakanishi, Ryuzo*; Kashiwakura, Shunsuke*; Taira, Takunori*; Ikeda, Yuji*; Deguchi, Yoshihiro*

We are developing remote in-situ analysis by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for simple in-situ screening analysis of fuel debris in the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. For various application scenarios, microchip laser based LIBS for ultra-long distance analysis, microwave assisted LIBS for signal enhancement, and long/short double pulse laser LIBS for water-containing samples are developing as the fiber-optic LIBS system. To have the reliability, valuation with nuclear fuel materials and spent fuel, and radiation resistance test by $$^{60}$$Co irradiation will be planed. As a challenging trial, a development of Machine learning technique has introduced for automatically analysis of LIBS spectra.



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