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Report No.

Basic design of high-performance moderator vessel for JRR-3 cold neutron source, 3; Study on hydrogen flow analysis method

Tokunaga, Sho; Nakamura, Takemi  ; Kikuchi, Masanobu; Noguchi, Hironori*; Oda, Yasushi*

In order to examine a hydrogen flow analysis method for the high-performance moderator vessel including the entire CNS system, a pipe network analysis of the entire system including the moderator vessel using RELAP5/MOD3.2 and a CFD analysis of the moderator vessel using ANSYS-FLUENT which added physical models that were not considered in a conceptual design were evaluated in combination. The validity of these calculations was compared using Sudo's equation, which is in good agreement with the results of the out-of-reactor operating test in the current canteen bottle moderator vessel.



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