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Report No.

Basic Research Programs of Vitrification Technology for Waste Volume Reduction, 126-3; Examination of YP formation mechanisms by experiments using zirconium molybdate as a starting material

Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Nagai, Takayuki  ; Katsuoka, Nanako; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*

XAFS analysis of heat-treated samples under various conditions using zirconium molybdate as starting material was performed to compare the formation of calcium molybdate. It was found that zirconium molybdate decomposes by heat treatment at 1073K to form zirconium oxide, but the zirconium immediately dissolves into the glass. On the other hand, after decomposition, the molybdenum continued to maintain the form of molybdate ions, eventually becoming calcium molybdate. However, it was found that calcium molybdate was formed at a lower temperature in the latter case when sodium was present in the raw glass from the beginning or when it was supplied as sodium nitrate without being included in the raw glass.



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