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Report No.

OSL dating of marine isotope stage 5e marine terrace deposits on southeastern Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan

Ogata, Manabu ; Komatsu, Tetsuya  ; Nakanishi, Toshimichi*

Marine terraces developed along the southeastern coast of Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan, face a seismogenic region along the Nankai Trough. We determined the emergence age of one of these marine terraces by using feldspar OSL dating of the marine terrace sediments. The target marine terrace has previously been correlated with MIS 5e on the basis of morphostratigraphy. Samples for pIRIR dating were obtained from foreshore deposits of the marine terrace. pIRIR signals were measured at 150 $$^{circ}$$C (pIRIR$$_{150}$$) and 225 $$^{circ}$$C (pIRIR$$_{225}$$). These results show that the surface of the marine terrace corresponds to MIS 5e rather than MIS 5c or 7, which is consistent with the chronological framework based on the morphological features of the terraces in this study area.



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