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Report No.

Recent results and future prospects for gamma-ray spectroscopy of heavy actinides at the JAEA Tandem laboratory

Orlandi, R.  ; Makii, Hiroyuki   ; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Hirose, Kentaro  ; Suzaki, Fumi  ; Smallcombe, J. ; Asai, Masato  ; Sato, Tetsuya   

The JAEA Tandem accelerator laboratory offers unique possibilities to study the nuclear structure of heavy actinide isotopes. These actinides are difficult to produce and study, and poorly known. To improve the current knowledge of the structure of heavy actinides, especially in the neighborhood of proton number 100 and neutron number 152, is particular important for the search of the island of stability, and to understand the structure of superheavy elements in general. In this talk, recent results concerning the structure of $$^{248}$$Cf and $$^{252}$$Fm, in particular K isomers and quadrupole deformation, will be provided. Furthermore, current steps taken to extend this type of spectroscopic study to even heavier isotopes will be presented.



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