※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

高出力密度・高速掃引レーザー除染技術の開発,1; 実験による金属表面剥離評価

Development of high-power density, high-speed scanning laser decontamination technology, 1; Experimental evaluation of metal surface delamination

小菅 淳  

Kosuge, Atsushi


Decontamination using lasers is non-contact, can be operated remotely, and can significantly suppress secondary waste generation. We are developing a laser decontamination technique using instantaneous evaporation by focusing a high-power continuous-wave fiber laser to a small spot size and sweeping it at high speed with high power density, and are conducting experimental and analytical evaluations. In this presentation, samples were laser irradiated under various laser irradiation conditions, and the depth of melting was observed by cross-sectional measurement and surface observation of metal ablation. Simulated decontamination tests were also conducted by measuring fluorescence spectral intensity using fluorescent paint as a simulated contaminant, and changes in the amount of removal due to laser irradiation conditions were investigated.



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