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Report No.

Initial verification of Cyclus and NMB fuel cycle simulators

Bachmann, A. M.*; Richards, S.*; Feng, B.*; Nishihara, Kenji  ; Abe, Takumi 

This work demonstrates the value of code verification as an initial step in utilizing fuel cycle simulation. Cyclus and NMB are open-source fuel cycle simulators that provide computational modeling of nuclear fuel cycle alternatives and were chosen by Argonne National Laboratory and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), respectively, for a multi-year collaboration on fuel cycle benchmarks. Both are relatively new and can be improved after conducting a rigorous code-to-code comparison. Initial verification of these simulators was performed using a set of hypothetical scenarios for once-through and multi-recycle fuel cycles. The results of this work identify how differences in scenario definitions and the modeling methodologies of the two simulators lead to differences in results in material inventories, mass flows, and other important metrics for fuel cycle assessments.



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