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Report No.

A Mechanism for spontaneous thermal fragmentation with coolant entrainment during the molten fuel-sodium interaction

Johnson, M.*; Emura, Yuki; Clavier, R.*; Matsuba, Kenichi  ; Kamiyama, Kenji  ; Brayer, C.*; Journeau, C.*

Experimental investigation of two interactions between molten jets and sodium, pertaining to severe accidents in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, have been undertaken at the JAEA's MELT facility. X-ray imaging and debris analysis reveal rapid formation of a crust at the melt coolant-interface, instigating thermal fragmentation events. Heat transfer calculations at the jet-coolant interface, supported by particle tracking velocimetry characterisation of the jet velocity, imply the formation of a solid crust within milliseconds of contact with the coolant. A mechanism for enhanced thermal fragmentation is proposed, inspired by observations from the X-ray imaging of coolant entrainment into the jet.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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