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Report No.

Heat transfer coefficients model for SIMMER-III and SIMMER-IV

Brear, D. J.*; Kondo, Satoru; Sogabe, Joji ; Tobita, Yoshiharu*; Kamiyama, Kenji  

The SIMMER-III/SIMMER-IV computer codes are being used for liquid-metal fast reactor (LMFR) core disruptive accident (CDA) analysis. The sequence of events predicted in a CDA is often influenced by the heat exchanges between LMFR materials, which are controlled by heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) in the respective materials. The mass transfer processes of melting and freezing, and vaporization and condensation are also controlled by HTCs. The complexities in determining HTCs in a multi-component and multi-phase system are the number of HTCs to be defined at binary contact areas of a fluid with other fluids and structure surfaces, and the modes of heat transfer taking into account different flow topologies representing flow regimes with and without structure. As a result, dozens of HTCs are evaluated in each mesh cell for the heat and mass transfer calculations. This report describes the role of HTCs in SIMMER-III/SIMMER-IV, the heat transfer correlations implemented and the calculation of HTCs in all topologies in multi-component, multi-phase flows. A complete description of the physical basis of HTCs and available experimental correlations is contained in Appendices to this report. The major achievement of the code assessment program conducted in parallel with code development is summarized with respect to HTC modeling to demonstrate that the coding is reliable and that the model is applicable to various multi-phase problems with and without reactor materials.



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