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Report No.

Data assimilation experiment of flow around three-dimensional square cylinder using LBM-LETKF with small number of observation points

Hasegawa, Yuta   ; Idomura, Yasuhiro   ; Onodera, Naoyuki   

We implemented the ensemble data assimilation (DA) of turbulence by using the mesh-refined lattice Boltzmann method with the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LBM-LETKF). We examined the accuracy of the data assimilation against a turbulent flow around a three-dimensional square cylinder. The DA error was comparable or less than the observation noise when the observation interval was a half of the period of the K$'{a}$rm$'{a}$n vortex street and the number of observation points was 0.195% of computational grid points. The LBM-LETKF enables DA of turbulence with spatially- and temporally- sparse observations.



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