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Report No.

Magnetic layer thickness influence on magnetoelastic properties anisotropy in Co$$_{2}$$Fe$$_{0.4}$$Mn$$_{0.6}$$Si heusler alloy thin films

Nabialek, A.*; Chumak, O.*; Seki, Takeshi*; Takanashi, Koki; Baczewski, L. T.*; Szymczak, H.*

The anisotropic magnetoelastic (ME) properties of epitaxial Co$$_{2}$$Fe$$_{0.4}$$Mn$$_{0.6}$$Si(CFMS) Heusler alloy thin films with thicknesses ranging from 8 to 100 nm were investigated using the strain-modulated ferromagnetic resonance (SMFMR) technique. The calculation of the first cubic magnetocrystalline (MC) constant ${it K}$ $$_{1}$$ and the two cubic ME constants ${it b}$ $$_{1}$$ and ${it b}$ $$_{2}$$ was carried out assuming the cubic symmetry of the magnetic layer. A significant negative perpendicular MC anisotropy, of the order of 10$$^{5}$$ J/m$$^{3}$$, was also observed. The investigated parameters were found to be dependent on the thickness of the magnetic layer. The thinnest magnetic layers showed the strongest cubic MC anisotropy and the weakest anisotropy of ME properties. These findings highlight the importance of considering the magnetic layer thickness when evaluating the anisotropy in the ME properties of Heusler alloy thin films.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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