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Report No.

Development of non-destructive isotope measurement of the natural galena (PbS) using negative muon beams

Terada, Kentaro*; Ninomiya, Kazuhiko*; Sato, Akira*; Tomono, Dai*; Kawashima, Yoshitaka*; Inagaki, Makoto*; Nambu, Akihiro*; Kudo, Takuto*; Osawa, Takahito  ; Kubo, Kenya*

In Earth and planetary science, Pb isotopic composition is well known to play a key role in deciphering the origin and evolution of materials because they provide unique chronological and/or indigenous regional information as a radiogenic daughter nuclide from U and Th. To determine such an isotopic composition, a mass spectrometer has been widely used over several decades, which requires a destructive treatment such as laser ablation and thermal ionization, so on. Here we first report the non-destructive Pb isotopic measurement of the natural galena (PbS) using an energy-shift of muon-induced characteristic X-rays. The observed Pb isotopic composition of the natural galena is in good agreement with that obtained by conventional mass spectrometry.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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