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Insight on Cs and B aerosols behaviour revealed during the CLADS-MADE-05 simulated BWR bundle degradation test

Pshenichnikov, A. ; Zubekhina, B. ; 多木 寛  ; Pham, V. H.   

Pshenichnikov, A.; Zubekhina, B.; Ogi, Hiroshi; Pham, V. H.

It is well-known that that Cs aerosols and B aerosols interaction is possible during a severe accident. If it occurs before an interaction with steel and debris it can result in a completely different contaminating phases formation. All the factors can be combined and checked only in an integral large-scale bundle test. JAEA has an experience in making BWR bundle degradation tests using the LEISAN facility. During 13 years after the 1F accidents, JAEA/CLADS has performed CR, CRFCB, CRFCBF and CLADS-MADE large-scale bundle tests. The CLADS-MADE-05 is the next test in the series aiming at understanding the control blade melt propagation and mock-up assembly degradation together with Cs and B containing aerosol release. In the current work, first brief overview of the large-scale test results will be given.



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