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Report No.

Neutron optics design of a neutron magnetic microscope using Wolter type I supermirror

Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Hayashida, Hirotoshi*; Maruyama, Ryuji   ; Yamazaki, Dai  ; Goto, Yuiki*; Kobayashi, Yuki*; Arakawa, Shohei*; Yamamoto, Yugo*; Suba, Kenta*; Yamamura, Kazuya*

A neutron optics design has been conducted for a neutron magnetic microscope that utilize a Wolter type I multilayer supermirror for the purpose of magnetic fields imaging in magnetic materials. Ray trace simulation was performed for a magnifying imaging optical system with a magnification rate of 12.5 times. Based on classical model of Lamor precession, depolarization due to magnetic domains was simulated, and the effect of slope errors on the Wolter mirror created by the replica method on the spatial resolution of the microscope was investigated. As a result, reference data about the shape error required to obtain spatial resolution on the order of micrometers was obtained.



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