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Report No.

Development of safety design technologies for sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to thermal energy storage system with sodium-molten salt heat exchanger, 1; Overview and Consideration on tube failure

Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Takano, Kazuya ; Kurisaka, Kenichi ; Kikuchi, Shin  ; Kondo, Toshiki   ; Umeda, Ryota ; Sato, Rika; Shirakura, Shota*

This project studies investigation on safety design guideline and risk assessment technology for sodium-cooled fast reactor with the molten-salt heat storage system, development of evaluation method for heat transferring performance between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of the performance, and evaluation of chemical reaction characteristic between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of its safety. This paper describes the effect of sodium-molten salt heat transfer tube failure in addition to the project overview and progress.



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