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Report No.

Structure of drifting snow simulated by Lagrangian particle dispersion model coupled with large-eddy simulation using the lattice Boltzmann method

Watanabe, Tsutomu*; Ishikawa, Shuhei*; Kawashima, Masayuki*; Shimoyama, Ko*; Onodera, Naoyuki   ; Hasegawa, Yuta   ; Inagaki, Atsushi*

This paper presents simulations of drifting snow using a Lagrangian particle dispersion model coupled with a large-eddy simulation code. The model accurately replicates observed features such as mass transport rate dependency on flow velocity and variations in particle size distribution. It also shows that the saltation layer height increases monotonically with flow velocity, contrary to conventional estimates. Additionally, the study confirms the transition from saltation to suspension near the estimated saltation layer height and finds that dense snow streamers are linked to small-scale low-speed streaks in near-surface flows.



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Category:Engineering, Civil



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