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Report No.

The Inelastic instrument suite of Materials Sciences Research Center, JAEA

Nakajima, Kenji  ; Kaneko, Koji   ; Hagihara, Masato   ; Yamauchi, Hiroki   ; Tabata, Chihiro; Kubota, Masato ; Osakabe, Toyotaka  

We, Materials Sciences Research Center (MSRC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) are engaged in material science researches by using neutron and synchrotron radiation X-ray. MSRC owns 14 neutron scattering instruments at the 20 MW multipurpose research reactor JRR-3 and 3 of them are served in inelastic and quasielastic scattering experiments. TAS-1 (Triple-Axis Spectrometer-1) is a polarization neutron capable thermal-neutron TAS installed at the reactor hall. TAS-2 (Triple-Axis Spectrometer-2) is installed at a guide-end port of one of thermal-neutron guides in the guide hall. LTAS (Low Energy Triple-Axis Spectrometer) is a cold-neutron TAS installed at a cold-neutron guide in the guide hall. In this presentation, we will show the overview of our inelastic instruments, recent out-comes and future perspective.



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