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A Cause and the measures that the expansion joint of the steam plumbing for Reprocessing Plants damaged

西野 将平; 西田 哲郎; 川崎 一男 ; 本橋 昌博; 神原 貴志*; 鈴木 高一*; 木下 真登*

Nishino, Shohei; Nishida, Tetsuro; Kawasaki, Ichio; Motohashi, Masahiro; Kambara, Takashi*; Suzuki, Takaichi*; Kinoshita, Masato*


Steam is used to a process and air conditioning in Nuclear fuel Cycle engineering Laboratories (NCL). The steam is used mainly in Reprocessing Plant, and it is supplied by two steam plumbing. A leak occurred from the steam plumbing in November, 2022. As a result of cause investigation, I estimated that it had leaked by a water hammer caused for the trouble of the steam trap.



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