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Report No.

Experimental study on the acoustic properties of subcooled boiling

Tezuka, Kosuke*; Ueki, Yoshitaka*; Aizawa, Kosuke ; Ara, Kuniaki*

In Japan, the government has announced a carbon neutral declaration and formulated a green growth strategy. Nuclear power generation is being pursued as one of the options to realize decarbonization in power sector, and one of the goals is to utilize sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), which are positioned as next-generation reactors. The recent design of demonstration SFR requires a higher level of accident tolerance in response to the demand for enhanced safety, so an early detection of anomalies during in-service operation is important. In this study, we assume the case where the coolant flow rate is reduced due to local blockage and coolant boiling occurs in the fuel assembly due to overheating. To understand the physical mechanism of the boiling acoustics, we investigate the correlation between the sound generated during the subcooled pool boiling of water and the solid vibration based on frequency analysis. As a result, we confirm depending on the wire diameter, that is a geometric parameter of the heat transfer surface, boiling-acoustic frequency peaks shift and overlap with the band of resonance frequencies of the secondary mode. It suggests that some features of the boiling acoustics are highly correlated with the resonance phenomena of the heating solid.



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