乾式回収粉の粒度調整技術開発,10; 粉体衝突に対する耐摩耗性評価
Technological development of the particle size adjustment of recycle powder, 10; Evaluation of erosion resistance against powder impact
瀬川 智臣 ; 高島 颯人; 山本 和也; 小野 高徳; 川口 浩一 ; 石井 克典
Segawa, Tomoomi; Takashima, Hayato; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Ono, Takanori; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been studying the design of a dry recycling facility as part of the development of a dry recycle technology for reusing out-of-specification MOX fuel pellets as dry recovered powder. In this facility, high safety and durability are required, and therefore, the erosion resistance of the materials against powder impact during the pulverization process is important. In this study, to evaluate the erosion resistance of the materials against powder impact during the pulverization process, the influence of alumina powder injection quantity and impact angle on the amount of erosion was measured by simulating powder impact conditions using brittle and malleable materials.