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Report No.

Energy-resolved neutron imaging study of a Japanese sword signed by Bishu Osafune Norimitsu

Oikawa, Kenichi   ; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro*; Watanabe, Kenichi*; Sato, Hirotaka*; Parker, J. D.*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*

We are conducting research focused on elucidating the crystallographic structure of Japanese swords in a non-destructive manner using the neutron imaging instrument RADEN at J-PARC. In this study, we developed an analysis method that combines wavelength-resolved Bragg-edge imaging and a wavelength-selective neutron tomography with a new strategy, and applied it to an approximately 45 cm long Japanese sword signed by Bishu Osafune Norimitsu. Computed tomography was performed, and the analysis succeeded in clearly capturing the characteristic internal structure "Kobuse". Kobuse is most famous steel combining structure of Japanese swords, where a center steel with low carbon content is covered by an outer steel with high carbon content. The crystallite size distribution obtained through Bragg-edge analysis was able to explain without contradiction from the layered structure of two steels observed in neutron tomograms. Our non-destructive imaging also revealed that the quenching was quite deep, forming a wavy pattern more than 5 mm away from the cutting edge.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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