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Report No.

Effectiveness evaluation of the measures for improving resilience at ultra-high temperatures

Onoda, Yuichi ; Nishino, Hiroyuki  ; Kurisaka, Kenichi ; Yamano, Hidemasa   

We developed the measures for improving resilience of the sodium-cooled fast reactor structure using the failure mitigation technology and evaluated the effectiveness of the measures. To prevent core damage in the event of an accident progressing to an ultra-high temperature state, both measures to prevent overpressure in the reactor vessel and measures to cool the reactor core are required. As a core cooling measure, we developed a core cooling concept that promotes radiant heat transfer from the reactor vessel and cools the containment vessel outer surface by natural convection named Containment Vessel Auxiliary Cooling System (CVACS). We developed a method to use the reduction rate of core damage frequency as an indicator for effectiveness of the measures for improving resilience. The core damage frequency was evaluated by calculating the core cooling performance using CVACS, reflecting the results of structural analysis and human reliability analysis. By implementing measures for improving resilience in addition to existing measures, the core damage frequency of Japan loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor caused by LOHRS has been reduced to about one-hundredth of the previous level.



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