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Report No.

A Study on analysis of actual data in "Fugen" decommissioning

Koda, Yuya ; Nakamura, Yasuyuki ; Iguchi, Yukihiro*; Yanagihara, Satoshi*

"Fugen" has been proceeding with decommissioning work since receiving approval for the decommissioning plan in 2008, and is currently in the second step of dismantling the reactor peripheral equipment. In decommissioning, project management is important to select strategies and optimize processes, waste, safety, costs, etc. In Japan, it is expected that decommissioning work for nuclear facilities will become more serious in the future, and the knowledge and project management data obtained from the decommissioning work carried out at "Fugen" to date will be useful for planning. Since the dismantling and removal of the main turbine equipment and the peripheral equipment in preparation for the reactors have been completed so far, the actual data has been organized and analyzed and compiled into unit work coefficients. The project management data, collected during the decommissioning work carried out at "Fugen" is organized and calculated as a unit work coefficient.



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