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Report No.

Low reactivity of stoichiometric FeS with hydrogen at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions

Takano, Masahiro*; Kagi, Hiroyuki*; Mori, Yuichiro*; Aoki, Katsutoshi*; Kakizawa, Sho*; Sano, Asami   ; Iizuka-Oku, Riko*; Tsuchiya, Taku*

Hydrogenation of iron sulfide (FeS) under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions has attracted attention because hydrogen and sulfur are promising candidates as light elements in the cores of the Earth and other terrestrial planets. In earlier reports describing the hydrogenation of FeS, the chemical compositions of starting materials were not fully clarified. This study reports in-situ neutron and X-ray diffraction measurements under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions of an Fe-S-H system using a stochiometric Fe1.000S (troilite) as a starting material. The occupancies determined were significantly lower than those reported from earlier studies, indicating that the hydrogenation of FeS can be affected strongly by the stoichiometry of iron sulfide.



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