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Report No.

Analytical studies on prevention of hydrogen accumulation in a room using catalyst; Effects of catalyst shape conditions

Terada, Atsuhiko  ; Thwe Thwe, A.  ; Nagaishi, Ryuji 

For long-term storage of radioactive materials such as fuel debris and waste, if the storage container contains moisture, it was important to reduce the risk of explosion and combustion due to hydrogen generation due to radiolysis of water. As a safety control technology for this purpose, we have developed a catalyst that reduces the hydrogen concentration in the container by recombination reaction, and a technology to predict the behavior of hydrogen in the container by CFD. In this study, the hydrogen behavior simulation including the recombination reaction by the catalyst was performed, and the result was compared with the result of the performance test of the developed catalyst in the real size storage contaier, and the hydrogen concentration reduction effect of the catalyst was investigated.



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