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 年 ~ 

3D information representation method with overlaying grid line for remote robot operator assistance

山田 大地 ; 今渕 貴志  ; 川端 邦明   

Yamada, Taichi; Imabuchi, Takashi; Kawabata, Kuniaki

This paper introduces the development of a 3-D information representation method to assist remote robot operators in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). This research aims to make remote robot operation easier and improve the safety and efficiency of FDNPS decommissioning. The proposal method is to overlay grid lines on the camera image. This method helps the operator's spatial awareness without increasing workload because its usage is the same as using camera images. The experiment evaluates the implementation of this method for ground robot moving operation, and its results show that this method improves operator distance awareness and reduces workload.



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