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Report No.

Measurements of neutron capture cross-section for nuclides of interest in decommissioning (II); $$^{58}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{59}$$Fe

Nakamura, Shoji  ; Shibahara, Yuji*; Endo, Shunsuke   ; Rovira Leveroni, G.   ; Kimura, Atsushi   

As nuclear facilities are dismantled in decommissioning, large amount of various waste is generated. Even more inconveniently, waste is radioactive due to neutron activation. Thus, the neutron capture cross-sections of nuclides targeted in decommissioning are required to evaluate the radioactivity produced. In this work, $$^{58}$$Fe nuclide was selected among objective nuclides for decommissioning, and its thermal-neutron capture cross-section was measured by a neutron activation method at the graphite thermal column of Kyoto University Research Reactor in 5-MW operation. The thermal-neutron capture cross-section was derived using ${it Westcott'}$s convention. The present work obtained 1.36$$pm$$0.03 barns for the $$^{58}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{59}$$Fe reaction. The present result supports the JENDL-5 evaluation within 2$$sigma$$. If updated with currently recommended nuclear data, some of the reported past data would support the present result.



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