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 年 ~ 

Navigation and control of a novel shock-resistant mechanical manipulator for fuel debris retrieval

中島 慎介*; Moro, A.*; 小松 廉*; Faragasso, A.*; 松日楽 信人*; Woo, H.*; 川端 邦明   ; 山下 淳*; 淺間 一*

Nakashima, Shinsuke*; Moro, A.*; Komatsu, Ren*; Faragasso, A.*; Matsuhira, Nobuto*; Woo, H.*; Kawabata, Kuniaki; Yamashita, Atsushi*; Asama, Hajime*

The aim of this research is to develop a novel manipulator for retrieving fuel debris on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) as shown in Figure 1. We designed a shock-resistant CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) robot in collaboration with the University of Sussex.



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