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Report No.

Decommissioning robot manipulator for fuel debris retrieval

Nakashima, Shinsuke*; Moro, A.*; Komatsu, Ren*; Faragasso, A.*; Matsuhira, Nobuto*; Woo, H.*; Kawabata, Kuniaki   ; Yamashita, Atsushi*; Asama, Hajime*

Fuel debris retrieval at the bottom of the primary containment vessel (PCV) is one of the significant tasks for the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant and in particular for 1F. It is challenging for conventional manipulators to perform the retrieval process due to the presence of radiation, water leakage, and poor lighting conditions. We tackle those problems with the design and fabrication of a novel mechanical manipulator and its control and navigation algorithm. Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT)-based actuation improves the robot's shock resistance. AI-based navigation algorithm enables semiautonomous navigation and grasping in the cluttered environment inside the PCV.



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