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Report No.

Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation

Ominato, Yuya*; Yamakage, Ai*; Matsuo, Mamoru

We study a dynamical spin response of surface Majorana modes in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid under microwave irradiation. We find a method to toggle between dissipative and nondissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by adjusting the external magnetic field angle and the microwave frequency. This reflects the topological nature of the Majorana modes, enhancing the Gilbert damping of the magnet, thereby providing a detection method for the Majorana Ising spins. Our findings illuminate a magnetic probe for Majorana modes, paving the path to innovative spin devices.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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