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Report No.

Dramatic elastic response at the critical end point in UTe$$_2$$

Vali$v{s}$ka, M.*; Haidamak, T.*; Cabala, A.*; Posp$'i$$v{s}$il, J.*; Bastien, G.*; Sechovsk$'y$, V.*; Prokle$v{s}$ka, J.*; Yanagisawa, Tatsuya*; Opletal, P.  ; Sakai, Hironori   ; Haga, Yoshinori   ; Miyata, Atsuhiko*; Gorbunov, D.*; Zherlitsyn, S.*

Elastic responses at the metamagnetic transition in UTe$$_2$$ are studied at high field. The elastic anomaly becomes the strongest at the critical-end-point. Similar behavior was also observed in another metamagnet UCoAl, suggesting a universal elastic response triggered by critical magnetic fluctuations.



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