Large area, rectangular shaped position-sensitive scintillation neutron detectors for SENJU diffractometer at J-PARC MLF
中村 龍也
; 藤 健太郎
; 鬼柳 亮嗣
; 大原 高志
; 戸邊 雅弘; 細谷 孝明; 坂佐井 馨

Nakamura, Tatsuya; To, Kentaro; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Ohara, Takashi; Tobe, Masahiro; Hosoya, Takaaki; Sakasai, Kaoru
A large area, rectangular shaped, two-dimensional position-sensitive neutron detectors has been developed for SENJU diffractometer at J-PARC MLF. SENJU has been under major detector upgrade, where the original 37 detectors will be replaced with new larger area detectors. The original detector has a neutron-sensitive area of 256
256 mm, where a pixel size is 4
4 mm. Two prototype detectors that have larger neutron-sensitive areas have been developed based on scintillator / wavelength-shifting fiber technology. The sizes of the neutron-sensitive area are 3-fold or 6-fold compared to the original detectors. With these detectors in SENJU, the scattered neutrons can be measured continuously in vertical direction and the horizontal spatial between detectors can be reduced. In the presentation, the design and performances of the two prototype detectors will be described in detail.