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Report No.

Analytical study for detection method of fuel debris derived from MOX fuel

Terashima, Kenichi  ; Sakamoto, Masahiro ; Matsumura, Taichi ; Riyana, E. S.   ; Kanno, Ikuo; Okumura, Keisuke 

At the time of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, mixed oxide (MOX) fuels were partially loaded in the core of Unit-3 while not in Unit-1 and Unit-2. Since the MOX fuel contain larger amount of plutonium even if its burnup degree is relatively smaller than that of UO$$_{2}$$ fuel, it is expected to distinguish whether fuel debris are originated from MOX or UO$$_{2}$$. Therefore, we focused on $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{154}$$Eu generated until the accident. From the burnup calculations, the possibility of a method for detecting the MOX-derived fuel debris was suggested.



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