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Report No.

Project plan of HTTR heat application test facility; Safety design and Safety analysis

Aoki, Takeshi  ; Hasegawa, Takeshi ; Kurahayashi, Kaoru; Nomoto, Yasunobu ; Shimizu, Atsushi ; Sato, Hiroyuki  ; Sakaba, Nariaki 

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is planning to perform a test named HTTR heat application test coupling HTTR (High temperature engineering test reactor) and a hydrogen production plant. The present study reports results of the safety design and safety analysis for HTTR heat application test facility. As a safety design, safety classification of structures, systems, and components was defined in the test facility based on their safety functions. As a preliminary safety analysis, a thermal-hydraulic analysis was performed with RELAP5 code. The safety analysis revealed that newly identified events for HTTR heat application test facility except for the rupture of heat transfer tube of steam generator was enveloped by the licensing basis events in conventional HTTR. The preliminary analysis proved that the safety criteria is satisfied in the candidate of licensing basis event.



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