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Report No.

Continuous structural phase transition and antiferromagnetic order in ilmenite-type NiVO$$_{3}$$

Yamamoto, Hajime*; Ikeda, Osamu*; Honda, Takashi*; Kimura, Kenta*; Aoyama, Takuya*; Ogushi, Kenya*; Suzuki, Akio*; Ishii, Kenji*; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Tsuji, Takuya  ; Kobayashi, Shintaro*; Kawaguchi, Shogo*; d'Astuto, M.*; Abukawa, Tadashi*

We investigate the crystal and electronic structures as well as magnetic properties of ilmenite-type NiVO$$_{3}$$, which has attracted research interest as an ${it S}$ = 1 honeycomb lattice magnet. Ilmenite-type NiVO$$_{3}$$ samples were synthesized under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement results demonstrated that NiVO$$_{3}$$ underwent a continuous structural phase transition from the triclinic (${it P$bar{1}$}$) phase to the rhombohedral (${it R$bar{3}$}$) phase at 450 K. This transition is concomitant with the decomposition of the V-V dimers formed by the tetravalent V ions. X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements confirmed that the Ni and V ions were divalent and tetravalent, respectively. Magnetic and specific heat measurements revealed that NiVO$$_{3}$$ underwent an antiferromagnetic transition at 140 K, and a zigzag-type magnetic order with magnetic propagation vector ${it k}$=(0,1/2,0) was observed by neutron diffraction measurements.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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