Status of development and overview of R&D in Japan
Mohamad, A. B.
; Yamashita, Shinichiro
; Soma, Yasutaka
; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki
; Pham, V. H.
; Abe, Yosuke
; Ioka, Ikuo
; Sato, Tomonori
; Ishijima, Yasuhiro
; Miwa, Shuhei
; Nakajima, Kunihisa
; Rizaal, M.
; Kaji, Yoshiyuki
; Osaka, Masahiko

Accident tolerant fuel, ATF, development has become one of the interest topics in the nuclear field recently. In the 4th ATF Workshop, the purpose is to have a technical discussion with a view to domestic readiness by obtaining suggestions among nuclear related organisations including NRA in domestic ATF development. JAEA, as the project coordinator in Japan, will provide an overview of the ATF development currently underway overseas, e.g. the readiness of Cr-coated Zry cladding developed by Framatome and Westinghouse, where the lead test assembly has been completed. An overview of the Japanese ATF development will be given, highlighting the current status and the issues we are currently facing in the development such as the readiness of irradiation testing at Japan. In addition, JAEA, a part of the project coordinator, JAEA also conducted research and development with the cooperation of stakeholders. An overview of R&D under different phenomena with a final goal of transferring experimental data into modelling will be an example of the ongoing work at JAEA. Finally, JAEA hopes to accelerate the development of ATF in Japan with the full cooperation of all members.