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Journal Articles

Emergence of spin-orbit coupled ferromagnetic surface state derived from Zak phase in a nonmagnetic insulator FeSi

Otsuka, Yusuke*; Kanazawa, Naoya*; Hirayama, Motoaki*; Matsui, Akira*; Nomoto, Takuya*; Arita, Ryotaro*; Nakajima, Taro*; Hanashima, Takayasu*; Ukleev, V.*; Aoki, Hiroyuki; et al.

Science Advances (Internet), 7(47), p.eabj0498_1 - eabj0498_9, 2021/11

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:54.61(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

First ionization potentials of Fm, Md, No, and Lr; Verification of filling-up of 5f electrons and confirmation of the actinide series

Sato, Tetsuya; Asai, Masato; Borschevsky, A.*; Beerwerth, R.*; Kaneya, Yusuke*; Makii, Hiroyuki; Mitsukai, Akina*; Nagame, Yuichiro; Osa, Akihiko; Toyoshima, Atsushi; et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(44), p.14609 - 14613, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:70.83(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The first ionization potential (IP$$_1$$) yields information on valence electronic structure of an atom. IP$$_1$$ values of heavy actinides beyond einsteinium (Es, Z = 99), however, have not been determined experimentally so far due to the difficulty in obtaining these elements on scales of more than one atom at a time. Recently, we successfully measured IP$$_1$$ of lawrencium (Lr, Z = 103) using a surface ionization method. The result suggests that Lr has a loosely-bound electron in the outermost orbital. In contrast to Lr, nobelium (No, Z = 102) is expected to have the highest IP$$_1$$ among the actinide elements owing to its full-filled 5f and the 7s orbitals. In the present study, we have successfully determined IP$$_1$$ values of No as well as fermium (Fm, Z = 100) and mendelevium (Md, Z = 101) using the surface ionization method. The obtained results indicate that the IP$$_1$$ value of heavy actinoids would increase monotonically with filling electrons up in the 5f orbital like heavy lanthanoids.

Journal Articles

Studies of high density baryon matter with high intensity heavy-ion beams at J-PARC

Sako, Hiroyuki; Harada, Hiroyuki; Sakaguchi, Takao*; Chujo, Tatsuya*; Esumi, Shinichi*; Gunji, Taku*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hwang, S.; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 956, p.850 - 853, 2016/12

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:67.64(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Production of $$^{256}$$Lr in the $$^{249,250,251}$$Cf + $$^{11}$$B, $$^{243}$$Am + $$^{18}$$O, and $$^{248}$$Cm + $$^{14}$$N reactions

Sato, Nozomi; Sato, Tetsuya; Asai, Masato; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Li, Z.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Nagame, Yuichiro; Sch$"a$del, M.; Haba, Hiromitsu*; et al.

Radiochimica Acta, 102(3), p.211 - 219, 2014/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:60.52(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Production cross-sections of the isotope $$^{256}$$Lr in the $$^{249,250,251}$$Cf + $$^{11}$$B, $$^{243}$$Am + $$^{18}$$O, and $$^{248}$$Cm + $$^{14}$$N reactions were measured using a He/KCl gas-jet transport system and a rotating wheel $$alpha$$-particle detection apparatus. The $$alpha$$-particle energy of $$^{256}$$Lr was distributed from 8.3 to 8.7 MeV and its half-life, $$T_{1/2}$$, was measured to be $$28 pm 1$$ s. The maximum cross sections in the $$^{249}$$Cf($$^{11}$$B, 4$$n$$)$$^{256}$$Lr and $$^{243}$$Am($$^{18}$$O, 5$$n$$)$$^{256}$$Lr reactions were determined to be $$122 pm 6$$ nb at the beam energy of 63 MeV and $$26 pm 3$$ nb at 96 MeV, respectively. In the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{14}$$N, 6$$n$$)$$^{256}$$Lr reaction, the cross section was measured to be $$27 pm 1$$ nb at 91 MeV.

Journal Articles

Ground-state configuration of the $$N=157$$ nucleus $$^{259}$$No

Asai, Masato; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Sakama, Minoru*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Ishii, Yasuo; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Ishii, Tetsuro; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Nagame, Yuichiro; et al.

Physical Review C, 87(1), p.014332_1 - 014332_6, 2013/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:43.37(Physics, Nuclear)

The spin-parity and neutron configuration of the ground state of $$^{259}$$No have been identified through $$alpha$$-decay spectroscopy. The $$^{259}$$No is the nucleus with the largest neutron number whose spin-parities and single-particle configurations have ever been identified. The neutron 9/2$$^{+}$$[615] configuration was assigned to the ground state of $$^{259}$$No as well as to the 231.4 keV level in $$^{255}$$Fm. This allowed us to establish energy spacings and order of the neutron single-particle orbitals in such heaviest nuclear region. The appearance of the 9/2$$^{+}$$[615] ground state at $$N$$=157 implies that the order of the neutron orbitals between the $$N$$=152 and 162 deformed shell gaps should change considerably with increasing neutron number.

Journal Articles

Production of $$^{256}$$Lr in the $$^{248}$$Cm + $$^{14}$$N reaction

Sato, Nozomi; Sato, Tetsuya; Asai, Masato; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Li, Z.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Nagame, Yuichiro; Sch$"a$del, M.; Haba, Hiromitsu*; et al.

RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, Vol.46, P. 237, 2013/00

Due to the strong relativistic effects, the weakly-bound outermost electron results in a significantly low first ionization potential (IP) of Lr as compared with its neighboring heavy actinides. The isotope $$^{256}$$Lr, with a relatively long half-life of 27 s, is the suitable candidates for the IP measurement of Lr through the surface ionization method. In the present study, we measured the cross section of the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{14}$$N, 6$$n$$)$$^{256}$$Lr reaction to evaluate the production rate of $$^{256}$$Lr. A $$^{248}$$Cm target with 960 $$pm$$ 60 $$mu$$g/cm$$^{2}$$ thickness was bombarded with a $$^{14}$$N$$^{5+}$$ beam from the RIKEN AVF Cyclotron. The beam energy was 91 MeV in the middle of the target. The average beam intensity was 1.2 particle-$$mu$$A. Reaction products were transported to the rotating wheel $$alpha$$-particle detection system with a He/KCl gas-jet system. The $$^{256}$$Lr cross section of 27$$pm$$1 nb was calculated based on the $$alpha$$-particle events between 8.3 and 8.7 MeV.

JAEA Reports

BDI behavior evaluation of an upgraded Monju core and a demonstration core, 1; Plans for the out of pile bundle compressive tests for large diameter pins

Ichikawa, Shoichi; Haga, Hiroyuki; Katsuyama, Kozo; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Maeda, Koji; Nishinoiri, Kenji

JAEA-Testing 2012-001, 36 Pages, 2012/07


The life of FBR (Fast Breeder Reactor) fuel assembly is restricted by BDI (Bundle-Duct Interaction). Therefore, it is very important to carry out the out pile bundle compressive tests which can imitate BDI, in order to evaluate BDI behavior. The target of the conventional BDI behavior was thin pins ($$phi$$ 6.5 mm) for fuel pellets which were used with the assembly of Monju (the Monju prototype fast breeder reactor) etc. Furthermore by an upgraded Monju core and a demonstration core, adoption of thick pins for the holler annular pellets is planned. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out BDI evaluation of a thick pin. Then, the plans for out of pile bundle compressive test for large diameter pins were are reported this time.

Journal Articles

Tilted-foil technique for producing a spin-polarized radioactive isotope beam

Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Mihara, Mototsugu*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Jeong, S. C.*; Miyatake, Hiroari*; Momota, Sadao*; Hashimoto, Takashi*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Matsuta, Kensaku*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 48(5), p.54_1 - 54_10, 2012/05

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:16.73(Physics, Nuclear)

JAEA Reports

Establishment of reassembly technique of capsule type irradiation rig

Ichikawa, Shoichi; Abe, Kazuyuki; Haga, Hiroyuki; Kajima, Hisashi*; Sakurai, Satoshi*; Katsuyama, Kozo; Maeda, Koji; Nishinoiri, Kenji

JAEA-Technology 2011-032, 46 Pages, 2012/01


The assembly technique to the capsular irradiation rig newly developed was established. In the irradiation examination, the assembling disassembling and reassembling to PFB110 "B11(1), B11(2)" and PFB140 "B14" that built in Am-MOX fuel pin was achieved. The reassembly technique by recycling the irradiation material was established in the assembly of B11(2). This time, the assembly and disassembly of B11 (1) were reported. Moreover, the assembly of B14 which improved the assembly technology of B11 (1) was reported.

Journal Articles

Production and decay properties of $$^{264}$$Hs and $$^{265}$$Hs

Sato, Nozomi; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Kaji, Daiya*; Kudo, Yuki*; Morimoto, Koji*; Morita, Kosuke*; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Sumita, Takayuki*; Yoneda, Akira*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80(9), p.094201_1 - 094201_7, 2011/09

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:65.13(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Decay properties of $$^{264}$$Hs and $$^{265}$$Hs produced in the $$^{207,208}$$Pb($$^{58}$$Fe, $$xn$$) [$$x$$=1, 2] reactions were studied using a gas-filled recoil ion separator at the linear accelerator facility of RIKEN. A total of 6 decay chains were assigned to $$^{264}$$Hs. Cross sections for the $$^{264}$$Hs production in the $$^{208}$$Pb($$^{58}$$Fe,$$2n$$) and $$^{207}$$Pb($$^{58}$$Fe,$$n$$) reactions were measured to be $$2.8^{+6.5}_{-2.3}$$pb and $$6.9^{+4.4}_{-3.1}$$pb, respectively. The isotope $$^{264}$$Hs decayed with a half-life of $$0.751^{+0.518}_{-0.218}$$ms by $$alpha$$-particle emission and spontaneous fission. The $$alpha$$-particle energy of $$^{264}$$Hs was observed at 10.61$$pm$$0.04 and 10.80$$pm$$0.08 MeV. The spontaneous fission branch of $$^{264}$$Hs was found to be $$17^{+38}_{-14}%$$.

JAEA Reports

Establishment of the disassembling technique of the driver fuel assembly irradiated in JOYO

Ichikawa, Shoichi; Haga, Hiroyuki; Kikukawa, Kiyohide*; Fukasaku, Hironobu*; Kurosawa, Yoichi*; Katsuyama, Kozo; Maeda, Koji; Nagamine, Tsuyoshi

JAEA-Technology 2011-020, 32 Pages, 2011/07


Disassembling technique of the driver fuel assembly irradiated in the experimental fast reactor JOYO has been established at Fuel Monitoring Facility in JAEA. This technique made it possible to remove the fuel pins from the driver fuel assembly without the fuel pin sectioning. After disassembling the fuel assembly, some selected fuel pins can be reassembled into the new irradiation vehicle for the continuous irradiation at JOYO. This technique enables us to obtain the irradiation data of high burn-up fuel and high neutron dose material.

Journal Articles

Neutron one-quasiparticle states in $$^{251}$$Fm$$_{151}$$ populated via the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{255}$$No

Asai, Masato; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Ishii, Yasuo; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Ishii, Tetsuro; Nagame, Yuichiro; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Kojima, Yasuaki*; et al.

Physical Review C, 83(1), p.014315_1 - 014315_12, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:79.05(Physics, Nuclear)

Excited states in $$^{251}$$Fm populated via the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{255}$$No are studied in detail through $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ coincidence and $$alpha$$ fine structure measurements. Spin-parities and neutron configurations of the excited states in $$^{251}$$Fm as well as the ground state of $$^{255}$$No are definitely identified on the basis of deduced internal conversion coefficients, lifetimes of $$gamma$$ transitions, rotational-band energies built on one-quasiparticle states, and hindrance factors of $$alpha$$ transitions. It is found that the excitation energy of the 1/2$$^{+}$$[620] state in $$N$$=151 isotones increases with the atomic number, especially at $$Z$$$$ge$$100, while that of the 1/2$$^{+}$$[631] state decreases at $$Z$$=100. Energy systematics of the one-quasiparticle states in the $$N$$=151 isotones are discussed in terms of the evolution of nuclear deformation involving the hexadecapole and hexacontatetrapole deformations.

Journal Articles

Sprouting and rooting inhibition of garlic with Co-60 $$gamma$$-rays

Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Todoriki, Setsuko*; Saito, Kimie*; Katsura, Yoko*; Kameya, Hiromi*; Ichikawa, Mariko*; Iizuka, Tomoko*; Chiba, Etsuko*; Ukai, Mitsuko*

Shokuhin Shosha, 45(1-2), p.26 - 33, 2010/09

Effect of $$gamma$$-irradiation on sprouting and rooting of garlic was investigated. Sprouting and rooting of garlic were inhibited by irradiation of bulbs at 2 months after harvest with doses more than 30 Gy. Four weeks-later irradiation requires higher doses to complete sprouting/rooting inhibition.

Journal Articles

Characteristics of $$gamma$$-ray response of Radix W dosimeter in several kGy range

Ichikawa, Tatsuya*; Seito, Hajime; Sato, Yoshishige*; Takehisa, Masaaki*; Kojima, Takuji; Watanabe, Hiroshi*

Shokuhin Shosha, 45(1-2), p.1 - 3, 2010/09

Journal Articles

Lifetime measurements for the first 2$$^{+}$$ states in $$^{162,164}$$Gd populated by the $$beta$$ decay of $$^{162,164}$$Eu

Nagae, Daisuke*; Ishii, Tetsuro; Takahashi, Ryuta*; Asai, Masato; Makii, Hiroyuki; Osa, Akihiko; Sato, Tetsuya; Ichikawa, Shinichi; Shimizu, Yoshifumi*; Shoji, Takuya*

AIP Conference Proceedings 1224, p.156 - 160, 2010/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:63.97(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Application of clear polymethylmethacrylate dosimeter Radix W to a few MeV electron in radiation processing

Seito, Hajime; Ichikawa, Tatsuya*; Hanaya, Hiroaki; Sato, Yoshishige*; Kaneko, Hirohisa; Haruyama, Yasuyuki; Watanabe, Hiroshi*; Kojima, Takuji

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 78(11), p.961 - 965, 2009/11

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.38(Chemistry, Physical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Decay properties of $$^{266}$$Bh and $$^{262}$$Db produced in the $$^{248}$$Cm + $$^{23}$$Na reaction

Morita, Kosuke*; Morimoto, Koji*; Kaji, Daiya*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Kudo, Yuki*; Sato, Nozomi*; Sumita, Takayuki*; Yoneda, Akira*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78(6), p.064201_1 - 064201_6, 2009/06

 Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:78.22(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Decay properties of an isotope $$^{266}$$Bh and its daughter nucleus $$^{262}$$Db produced by the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{23}$$Na,5$$n$$) reaction were studied by using a gas-filled recoil separator coupled with a position-sensitive semiconductor detector. $$^{266}$$Bh was clearly identified from the correlation of the known nuclide, $$^{262}$$Db. The obtained decay properties of $$^{266}$$Bh and $$^{262}$$Db are consistent with those observed in the $$^{278}$$113 chain, which provided further confirmation of the discovery of $$^{278}$$113.

Journal Articles

Characteristics study of clear polymethylmethacrylate dosimeter, Radix W, in several kGy range

Seito, Hajime; Ichikawa, Tatsuya*; Kaneko, Hirohisa; Sato, Yoshishige*; Watanabe, Hiroshi*; Kojima, Takuji

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 78(5), p.356 - 359, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:40.80(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Production of a new hassium isotope $$^{263}$$Hs

Kaji, Daiya*; Morimoto, Koji*; Sato, Nozomi*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Koura, Hiroyuki; Kudo, Yuki*; Ozawa, Akira*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78(3), p.035003_1 - 035003_2, 2009/03

A new hassium isotopes $$^{263}$$Hs is directly produced for the first time. The experiment was performed at the linear accelerator (RILAC) facility in RIKEN (the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) from Jun. 19 to 25. In the 25-h irradiation of $$^{58}$$Fe on $$^{206}$$Pb and 46-h irradiation of $$^{56}$$Fe on $$^{208}$$Pb, 8 decay chains and 1 decay chain, respectively, were observed. All decay chains were assigned to subsequent decays from $$^{263}$$Hs. The half-life of $$^{263}$$Hs is 0.60$$^{+0.30}_{-0.15}$$ ms. In this experiment, the total beam dose was $$4.1times10^{17}$$ ions for $$^{58}$$Fe and $$6.2times10^{17}$$ ions for $$^{56}$$Fe. The production cross section corresponding to 8 decay events and 1 decay chain was deduced to be 21$$^{+10}_{-8}$$ pb and 1.6$$^{+3.7}_{-1.3}$$ pb by assuming that the transmission of the system is 80%.

Journal Articles

Production and decay properties of $$^{263}$$Hs

Kaji, Daiya*; Morimoto, Koji*; Sato, Nozomi*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Koura, Hiroyuki; Kudo, Yuki*; Ozawa, Akira*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78(3), p.035003_1 - 035003_2, 2009/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.18(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A new neutron deficient hassium ($$Z$$=108) isotope of $$^{263}$$Hs was identified via two different reactions of $$^{206}$$Pb($$^{58}$$Fe,n) and $$^{208}$$Pb($$^{56}$$Fe,n) by using a gas-filled recoil separator GARIS at June 2008. During the 25-h irradiation of $$^{206}$$Pb with the $$^{58}$$Fe beam and 46-h irradiation of $$^{208}$$Pb with the $$^{56}$$Fe beam, 8 decay chains and 1 decay chain, respectively, have been observed. The half-life of $$^{263}$$Hs is 0.60$$^{+0.30}_{0.15}$$ ms. In this experiment, the total beam doses of the Fe and $$^{56}$$Fe was 4.1$$times$$10$$^{17}$$ ions and 6.2$$times$$10$$^{17}$$ ions, respectively. The production cross sections corresponding to the 8 decay chains and 1 decay chain have been deduced to be 21$$^{+10}_{-8}$$ pb and 1.6$$^{+3.7}_{-1.3}$$ pb by assuming the transmission of the system to be 80%.

126 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)