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Harjo, S.; Gong, W.; 相澤 一也; 山崎 倫昭*; 川崎 卓郎

日本材料学会第58回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム講演論文集, p.58 - 60, 2024/07

The experiment and analysis procedures for a sample exhibiting multimodal structures were outlined. The sample, a Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_1$$Y$$_2$$ alloy, initially comprised two phases: the HCP $$alpha$$ matrix ($$alpha$$Mg) and the long-period stacking ordered phase (LPSO), constituting approximately 25% of the volume. Through hot extrusion at 623 K with an extrusion ratio (R) of 5.0, the alloy was rendered multimodal. Specifically, at an R value of 5.0, dynamic recrystallization occurred partially within the $$alpha$$Mg phase, resulting in a bimodal microstructure. This microstructure consisted of a deformed $$alpha$$Mg component and a recrystallized $$alpha$$Mg component. An analysis employing Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) data facilitated multimodal characterization, enabling successful determination of stresses within the individual $$alpha$$Mg components, as well as the LPSO phase stress.


Neutron transmission imaging system with a superconducting kinetic inductance detector

Vu, TheDang*; 宍戸 寛明*; 相澤 一也; 奥 隆之; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 小嶋 健児*; 宮嶋 茂之*; 曽山 和彦; 小山 富男*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2776, p.012009_1 - 012009_9, 2024/06

We optimized the design and operating conditions of our superconducting neutron detector to improve spatial resolution. We obtained the best spatial resolution of 10 $$mu$$m when a Gd Siemens star pattern was mounted at close contact with the detector in the cryostat. We compared the effect of a different sample-detector distance on a spatial resolution when the samples were placed either at cryogenic temperature or at room temperature. We found the appearance of clear Bragg dips by the measurements of natural FeS$$_{2}$$ single crystals and succeeded in mapping the distribution of differently-oriented crystals by choosing several Bragg dips of the FeS$$_{2}$$ crystals to compose the transmission images.


Cryogenic deformation behavior of a dual-phase Mg-Li alloy investigated by in-situ neutron diffraction

Gong, W.; Gholizadeh, R.*; 川崎 卓郎; 相澤 一也; Harjo, S.

Magnesium Technology 2024, p.89 - 90, 2024/03

Mg and its alloys generally exist as a single hcp crystal structure at room temperature. It is widely recognized that the application of Mg alloys is hindered by their limited formability at room temperature, primarily attributable to the scarcity of readily activated deformation modes within the hcp phase. The addition of Li in Mg alloy can stable the bcc phase at room temperature, and these dual-phase (hcp+bcc) Mg-Li alloys exhibit excellent formability. The Li-enriched bcc phase has been frequently considered as the origin for improving formability. However, these Mg-Li alloys show poor work-hardening ability and the resultant low strength at room temperature. Considering that the dislocation recovery can be suppressed by decreasing the deformation temperature and the activity of deformation mode may be changed with temperature, we investigated the deformation behavior of a commercial LZ91 magnesium alloy at cryogenic temperatures using in-situ neutron diffraction.


Neutron transmission CB-KID imager using samples placed at room temperature

石田 武和*; Vu, TheDang*; 宍戸 寛明*; 相澤 一也; 奥 隆之; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 小嶋 健児*; 宮嶋 茂之*; 小山 富男*; et al.

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 214(3-4), p.152 - 157, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Physics, Applied)

We built a new cryostat to apply a current-biased kinetic inductance detector (CB-KID) for conducting neutron transmission imaging of room temperature samples under pulsed neutrons. A Wood's metal alloy of melting temperature 75.2$$^{circ}$$C was placed at room temperature to inspect the measurement system at J-PARC. Since one of the four phases of Wood's metal is a fine Cd-rich needle phase (width $$sim$$ 25 $$mu$$m and length $$sim$$ 5 mm), it is suitable for observing fine mosaic structure selectively by neutron imaging. The spatial resolution of the CB-KID imager was estimated as $$sim$$ 10 $$mu$$m by using a Gd Siemens-star pattern. The CB-KID system is useful to conduct transmission imaging for various materials rather easily at room temperature.


Strengthening of $$alpha$$Mg and long-period stacking ordered phases in a Mg-Zn-Y alloy by hot-extrusion with low extrusion ratio

Harjo, S.; Gong, W.; 相澤 一也; 川崎 卓郎; 山崎 倫昭*

Acta Materialia, 255, p.119029_1 - 119029_12, 2023/08

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:94.68(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

An as-cast sample and two hot-extruded samples with different extrusion ratios (R) of Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy containing the HCP $$alpha$$ matrix ($$alpha$$Mg) and the long-period stacking ordered phase (LPSO) of about 25-vol%, were used in tensile deformation in situ neutron diffraction experiments, to elucidate the effects of uniquely different microstructural evolutions in $$alpha$$Mg and LPSO with varying the R value to the mechanical properties. $$alpha$$Mg behaved as the soft phase and LPSO as the hard phase, and hot-extrusion improved the strength of both. At the R value of 5.0, a bimodal microstructure was created in $$alpha$$Mg, increasing largely the yield strength of $$alpha$$Mg. With increasing the R value to 12.5, the bimodal microstructure of $$alpha$$Mg collapsed and the yield strength of $$alpha$$Mg decreased. However, the strength of LPSO increased monotonously with increasing the R value due to the developments of kink bands and texture.


Orientation mapping of YbSn$$_{3}$$ single crystals based on Bragg-dip analysis using a delay-line superconducting sensor

宍戸 寛明*; Vu, TheDang*; 相澤 一也; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 宮嶋 茂之*; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(4), p.1108 - 1113, 2023/08

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Recent progress in high-power pulsed neutron sources has stimulated the development of the Bragg dip and Bragg edge analysis methods using a two-dimensional neutron detector with high temporal resolution to resolve the neutron energy by the time-of-flight method. A delay-line current-biased kinetic inductance detector (CB-KID) is a two-dimensional superconducting sensor with a high temporal resolution and multi-hit capability. Here, it is demonstrated that a delay-line CB-KID with a $$^{10}$$B neutron conversion layer can be applied to high-spatial-resolution neutron transmission imaging and spectroscopy up to 100 eV. Dip structures are observed in the transmission spectra of YbSn$$_{3}$$ single crystals, induced by Bragg diffraction and nuclear resonance absorption. The orientation mapping of YbSn$$_{3}$$ crystals is successfully drawn based on the analysis of observed Bragg dip positions in the transmission spectra.


Compressive deformation behavior of AZ31 alloy at 21K; An ${it In situ}$ neutron diffraction study

Gong, W.; 川崎 卓郎; Zheng, R.*; 眞山 剛*; Sun, B.*; 相澤 一也; Harjo, S.; 辻 伸泰*

Scripta Materialia, 225, p.115161_1 - 115161_5, 2023/03

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:51.15(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Deformation behavior during uniaxial compression at 21 K and 298 K in a commercial AZ31 magnesium alloy was studied by ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction. Decreasing the deformation temperature resulted in a slight increase in yield stress (115 MPa $$rightarrow$$ 139 MPa), but a remarkable enhancement in both the fracture stress (365 MPa $$rightarrow$$ 551 MPa) and fracture strain (12.8% $$rightarrow$$ 16.5%). The low temperature sensitivity of the {10$$overline{1}$$2} extension twinning which governed the macroscopic yielding led to the slight increase in yield stress. At 21K, basal slip was suppressed, while the extension twinning was promoted resulted in higher twin volume fraction. In the late stage of deformation, the {10$$overline{1}$$1}-{10$$overline{1}$$2} double twinning was suppressed, which is considered to be the reason to delay the fracture at 21 K.


Effect of extrusion ratio in hot-extrusion on kink deformation during compressive deformation in an $$alpha$$Mg/LPSO dual-phase magnesium alloy monitored by ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction

Harjo, S.; Gong, W.; 相澤 一也; 川崎 卓郎; 山崎 倫昭*; 眞山 剛*; 河村 能人*

Materials Transactions, 64(4), p.766 - 773, 2023/02

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:85.67(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

To elucidate the effect of extrusion ratio in hot-extrusion on the deformation behavior during compression of Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy containing about 25-vol% long-period stacking ordered phase (LPSO) in the HCP structured $$alpha$$ matrix ($$alpha$$Mg), ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction measurements were performed under compressive loading using four types of samples: as-cast and after hot extrusion at 623 K with extrusion ratios of 5.0, 7.5 and 12.5. The macroscopic yielding was observed to appear by the occurrence of basal slip of $$alpha$$Mg in the as-cast sample and at the onset of twinning in the hot extruded samples. The applied stress to initiate slip, twinning, and kinking increased by hot extrusion and then decreased with increasing extrusion ratio. LPSO shared higher stress than $$alpha$$Mg and the ratio to the strength increased as the extrusion ratio increased.


${it In situ}$ observation of twinning and detwinning in AZ31 alloy

Gong, W.; Zheng, R.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 相澤 一也; 辻 伸泰*

Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (Internet), 10(12), p.3418 - 3432, 2022/12

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:93.79(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Twinning and detwinning behavior of a commercial AZ31 magnesium alloy during cyclic compression-tension deformation with a total strain amplitude of 4% ($$pm$$2%) was evaluated using the complementary techniques of ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction, identical area electron backscatter diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. In-situ neutron diffraction demonstrates that the compressive deformation was dominated by twin nucleation, twin growth, and basal slip, while detwinning dominated the unloading of compressive stresses and subsequent tension stage. A large number of $$<c>$$-component dislocations observed in twins and the detwinned regions were attributed to the dislocation transmutation during the twinning and detwinning. The accumulation of barriers including twin boundaries and various types of dislocations enhanced the interactions of migrating twin boundary with these barriers during twinning and detwinning, which is considered to be the origin for increasing the work hardening rate in cyclic deformation of the AZ31 alloy.


Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

大島 宏之; 森下 正樹*; 相澤 康介; 安藤 勝訓; 芦田 貴志; 近澤 佳隆; 堂田 哲広; 江沼 康弘; 江連 俊樹; 深野 義隆; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)の歴史や、利点、課題を踏まえた安全性、設計、運用、メンテナンスなどについて解説する。AIを利用した設計手法など、SFRの実用化に向けた設計や研究開発についても述べる。


${it Operando}$ structure observation of pyroelectric ceramics during power generation cycle

川崎 卓郎; 福田 竜生; 山中 暁*; 坂本 友和*; 村山 一郎*; 加藤 孝典*; 馬場 将亮*; 橋本 英樹*; Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), p.134103_1 - 134103_7, 2022/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:14.73(Physics, Applied)

The microscopic origin of the pyroelectric power generation using ferroelectric ceramics for energy harvesting from time-varying waste heat can be understood by conducting ${it operando}$ neutron diffraction measurements. The behavior of the domain orientation and lattice strain in the lead zirconate titanate (PZT)-based ceramics with a tetragonal structure during the novel power generation cycle combining electric field and temperature change were investigated. The [001] domains and the lattice strain of the (111) plane in the direction of parallel to the electric field increase in the process of simultaneous rise in the electric field and temperature, and rapidly decrease in the process of the field drop. The alignment of the domain orientation by the electric field and its randomization by the higher temperature during the cycle are critical features of the current power generation system.


High spatial resolution neutron transmission imaging using a superconducting two-dimensional detector

宍戸 寛明*; 西村 和真*; Vu, TheDang*; 相澤 一也; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(9), p.2400505_1 - 2400505_5, 2021/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

中性子イメージングは、重金属に対する高透過性、軽元素に対する高感度、同位体と中性子との特異な核反応による同位体選択性などの中性子ビームの特徴を活かした非破壊検査の有力な手段の一つである。本研究では、超伝導検出器である電流バイアス運動インダクタンス検出器(CB-KID)を用いて、パルス中性子源を用いた飛行時間法による波長分解中性子イメージングを行った。遅延時間型CB-KIDを用いて、GdAl$$_{3}$$単結晶を成長させたGd-Al合金試料の中性子透過像を取得した。その結果、単結晶はAl-Gd合金全体に渡って、形状,分布ともに良好に観察することができた。また、中性子の波長0.03nm以上でGdによる特徴的な中性子の吸収を確認した。さらに、15$$mu$$m$$ times$$ 12$$mu$$mという限られた検出面で、同位体と中性子の核反応によって生じる$$^{155}$$Gd共鳴ディップを観測することができた。また、$$^{155}$$Gdの共鳴ディップを用いてGd選択的イメージングを行ったところ、中性子の波長幅が1pmという限られた範囲で、明確なGd核の元素選択イメージング像を取得することに成功した。


Practical tests of neutron transmission imaging with a superconducting kinetic-inductance sensor

Vu, TheDang; 宍戸 寛明*; 相澤 一也; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 宮嶋 茂之*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1006, p.165411_1 - 165411_8, 2021/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.58(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We found that the sizes of the Gd islands determined from the transmission image correlated strongly with those determined from the SEM image. We demonstrated the CB-KID could be used to identify (1) tiny voids in a thermally sprayed continuous Gd$$_2$$O$$_3$$ film in and (2) various mosaic morphologies and different eutectic microstructures in Wood's metal samples. The fact that the CB-KID system could be used to identify features of samples with a wide distribution of sizes and thicknesses is promising for real application of the device for imaging samples of interest to material scientists. Operating the CB-KID at higher temperatures appreciably improved the efficiency for simultaneously identifying the X and Y positions of hotspots. We also compared the detection efficiency with the PHITS simulations. We now plan to improve the detection efficiency by increasing the thickness of the $$^{10}$$B neutron conversion layer


Anisotropic thermal lattice expansion and crystallographic structure of strontium aluminide within Al-10Sr alloy as measured by in-situ neutron diffraction

Liss, K.-D.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 相澤 一也; 徐 平光

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 869, p.159232_1 - 159232_9, 2021/07


 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:45.20(Chemistry, Physical)

The aluminium strontium master alloy Al-10Sr has been investigated by in-situ neutron diffraction upon a heating-cooling cycle, revealing composition, crystallographic structure, lattice evolution and linear thermal expansion coefficients. Expansion of the Al matrix between (23.5 ... 26.7)$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ K$$^{-1}$$ depends on temperature and fits well to the literature values, extrapolating to higher temperature at 800 K. Thermal expansion is highly anisotropic for tetragonal Al$$_{4}$$Sr by a factor of 1.86 with values of 20.8 and 11.1$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ K$$^{-1}$$ in ${it a}$ and ${it c}$-axis. The even large discrepancy to the Al matrix is prone to residual intergranular phase stresses, explaining the brittleness of such composite material. Upon first heating, recovery of the initially plastically deformed materials is observed until 600 K and 700 K, for Al$$_{4}$$Sr and Al. Rietveld analysis refines the 4${it e}$ Wyckoff positions of the ${it I}$ 4/${it m m m}$ crystal structure to ${it z}$ = 0.39 revealing that local tetrahedrons are regular while local hexagons are stretched, in contrast to the literature. Its lattice parameters report to $$a_{rm I}$$ = 4.44240(48) ${AA}$, $$c_{rm I}$$ = 11.0836(15) ${AA}$ at 300 K. Furthermore, the manuscript demonstrates full technical analysis of the neutron data. Findings feed into data bases and an outlook for improving mechanical properties of Al$$_{4}$$Sr composites is given.


A Two-dimensional scintillation neutron detector for TAKUMI diffractometer in J-PARC MLF

中村 龍也; 川崎 卓郎; 藤 健太郎; Harjo, S.; 坂佐井 馨; 相澤 一也

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011097_1 - 011097_6, 2021/03

J-PARC MLFのTAKUMI回折計のためのシンチレータ2次元中性子検出器を開発した。この検出器モジュールは有感面積32$$times$$32cmであり従来のSENJU型検出器の1.5倍の面積を有する。TAKUMIの中性子入射スペクトルに対応したシンチレータ厚さの最適化、新開発の高速低ノイズ回路の装填、ヘッド部の光収集効率の改良が施された。この検出器3台からなる1バンクを当該装置の後方散乱位置に配置され高ToF分解能、2次元での回折測定が可能となった。


Homogeneity of neutron transmission imaging over a large sensitive area with a four-channel superconducting detector

Vu, TheDang; 宍戸 寛明*; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 宮嶋 茂之*; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 相澤 一也; et al.

Superconductor Science and Technology, 34(1), p.015010_1 - 015010_10, 2021/01

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:25.71(Physics, Applied)

We demonstrated that a four-readout superconducting neutron imaging system shows good spatial heterogeneity and linearity using the delay-line method. We examined the precise pattern of a $$^{10}$$B-dot-array absorber and found the X-direction pitch (Px) = 250.7 um with a scatter of (Hx)= 5.4 um and the Y-direction pitch (Py)= 249.1 um with a scatter of (Hy)= 3.4 um while the $$^{10}$$B dot array was fully extended toward the X direction across the detector sensitive area. We consider that this demonstrates detection with good spatial homogeneity and conclude. The transmission-imaging system is suitable for use at pulsed neutron facilities. We also reported a clear transmission image of tiny screws and nuts, and ladybug (insect). We recognize that further efforts to improve the detection efficiency are necessary to make using the detector more practical.


Energy-resolved neutron imaging using a delay line current-biased kinetic-inductance detector

宍戸 寛明*; 西村 和真*; Vu, TheDang*; 小嶋 健児*; 小山 富男*; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 宮嶋 茂之*; 日高 睦夫*; 奥 隆之; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1590, p.012033_1 - 012033_8, 2020/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

We demonstrate the development of an energy resolved neutron transmission imaging system via a solid-state superconducting detector, called current-biased kinetic-inductance detector (CB-KID). CB-KIDs comprise X and Y superconducting Nb meanderlines with Nb ground plane and a $$^{10}$$B conversion layer, which converts a neutron to two charged particles. CB-KID uses the delay-line method, and allows us to reconstruct the two-dimensional neutron transmission image of a test sample with four signal readout lines. We examined the capability of high spatial and energy (wavelength) resolved neutron transmission imaging over the sensor active area of 15 $$times$$ 15 mm$$^{2}$$ for various samples, including biological and metal ones. We also demonstrated the capability for the Bragg edge transmission and an energy-resolved neutron image in which stainless-steel specimens were discriminating from other specimens.


Development and application of a $$^3$$He neutron spin filter at J-PARC

奥平 琢也; 奥 隆之; 猪野 隆*; 林田 洋寿*; 吉良 弘*; 酒井 健二; 廣井 孝介; 高橋 慎吾*; 相澤 一也; 遠藤 仁*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 977, p.164301_1 - 164301_8, 2020/10

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:80.72(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We are developing a neutron polarizer with polarized $$^3$$He gas, referred to as a $$^3$$He spin filter, based on the Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) for polarized neutron scattering experiments at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). A $$^3$$He gas-filling station was constructed at J-PARC, and several $$^3$$He cells with long spin relaxation times have been fabricated using the gas-filling station. A laboratory has been prepared in the MLF beam hall for polarizing $$^3$$He cells, and compact pumping systems with laser powers of 30 W and 110 W, which can be installed onto a neutron beamline, have been developed. A $$^3$$He polarization of 85% was achieved at a neutron beamline by using the pumping system with the 110 W laser. Recently, the first user experiment utilizing the $$^3$$He spin filter was conducted, and there have been several more since then. The development and utilization of $$^3$$He spin filters at MLF of J-PARC are reported.


Kinetic inductance neutron detector operated at near critical temperature

Vu, TheDang; 西村 和真*; 宍戸 寛明*; 原田 正英; 及川 健一; 宮嶋 茂之*; 日高 睦夫*; 奥 隆之; 曽山 和彦; 相澤 一也; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1590, p.012036_1 - 012036_9, 2020/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Our CB-KID neutron imager detects high spatial resolution neutrons transmission images by using a delay-line technique. We found that the number of events was remarkably increased with increasing the detector temperature until close to the critical temperature Tc. We investigated the properties of CB-KID at near Tc. We observed systematic changes of neutron signals as a function of the detector temperature from 4 K to Tc. The simulations modeled the sequential physical processes for $$^{10}$$B(n,$$alpha$$)$$^{7}$$Li reactions and energy deposition by particles within CB-KID, including neutrons, $$^{4}$$He particles, $$^{7}$$Li particles, photon and electron transport.


Neutron diffraction monitoring of as-cast Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ during compression and tension

Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; Gong, W.*; 川崎 卓郎

Materials Transactions, 61(5), p.828 - 832, 2020/04

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:35.80(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In situ neutron diffraction measurements during compressive and tensile tests of an as-cast Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy consisting of $$alpha$$ phase ($$alpha$$Mg) as the matrix and a long period stacking ordered phase (LPSO) of 25 vol%, were performed to understand deformation behavior of each phase and to monitor the occurrence of kinking during deformation. The LPSO grains yielded possibly via kinking during compressive deformation above the applied true stress of about 137 MPa. The stress partitioning among $$alpha$$Mg grains was observed larger in the compressive deformation than in the tensile deformation, that might be due to the large load sharing of $$alpha$$Mg grains as a result of the yielding of LPSO grains during compressive deformation.

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