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Radioactive particles from a range of past nuclear events; Challenges posed by highly varied structure and composition

Johansen, M. P.*; Child, D. P.*; Collins, R.*; Cook, M.*; Davis, J.*; Hotchkis, M. A. C.*; Howard, D. L.*; Howell, N.*; 池田 篤史; Young, E.*

Science of the Total Environment, 842, p.156755_1 - 156755_11, 2022/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:57.04(Environmental Sciences)

While they have appeared only recently in earth's history, radioactive particles from anthropogenic sources are widespread in global environments and present radiological harm potentials to living organisms. Here we compare a varied set of particles from past nuclear fission and non-fission sources in Australia of highly diverse magnitudes, release modes, and environments. Numerous radioactive particles persist in soils 60 + years after their release events. Particles can be distinguished by their Ca/Fe and Si/Fe elemental ratios, which in this study range over orders of magnitude and reflect the materials available during their individual formation events. The particles from nuclear testing have dominant $$^{239+240}$$Pu activity concentrations, relative to $$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{137}$$Cs, which increases long-term radiological hazard from alpha emissions if inhaled or ingested, and contrasts with particles from nuclear power accidents (e.g., Fukushima). Internal fracturing is more prevalent than previously reported, and fracturing is greater in Ca-rich vs. Si-dominated matrices.


Flow-electrode CDI removes the uncharged Ca-UO$$_{2}$$-CO$$_{3}$$ ternary complex from brackish potable groundwater; Complex dissociation, transport, and sorption

Ma, J.*; Zhang, Y.*; Collins, R. N.*; Tsarev, S.*; 青柳 登; Kinsela, A. S.*; Jones, A. M.*; Waite, T. D.*

Environmental Science & Technology, 53(5), p.2739 - 2747, 2019/03

 被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:89.12(Engineering, Environmental)

Unacceptably high uranium concentrations in decentralized and remote potable groundwater resources, especially those of high hardness, are a common worldwide problem. The complexation of alkali earth metals, carbonate and uranium(VI) results in the formation of thermodynamically stable ternary aqueous species that are predominantly neutrally-charged. The removal of the uncharged (non-adsorbing) complexes is a problematic issue for many water treatment technologies. As such, we have evaluated the efficacy of a recently-developed electrochemical technology, termed flow-electrode capacitive deionization (FCDI), to treat a synthetic groundwater, the composition of which is comparable to groundwater resources in the Northern Territory, Australia. Theoretical calculations and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy analyses confirmed that the complex was the primary aqueous species followed. Results under different operating conditions demonstrated that FCDI is versatile in reducing uranium concentrations to $$<$$ 10 $$mu$$g L$$^{-1}$$ with low electrical consumption (e.g. $$sim$$ 0.1 kWh m$$^{-3}$$). It is concluded that the capability of FCDI to remove uranium under these common conditions depends on the dissociation kinetics of the complex in the electrical field.


Uranium binding mechanisms of the acid-tolerant fungus ${{it Coniochaeta fodinicola}}$

V$'a$zquez-Campos, X.*; Kinsela, A. S.*; Collins, R. N.*; Neilan, B. A.*; 青柳 登; Waite, T. D.*

Environmental Science & Technology, 49(14), p.8487 - 8496, 2015/07

 被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:67.25(Engineering, Environmental)

本論文は、ウラン鉱山の処理水試料から単離された、好酸性/耐酸性菌の菌株によるウランの吸着や結合挙動を研究したものである。菌株の生存率は、溶液からウランを除去する容量に決定的に依存することがわかった。実際に、2時間の反応で、生きた菌は乾燥重量で16mg U/gのウランを除去し、死滅した菌は45mg U/gを除去した。さらに10分間の酸による洗浄でウランの20$$sim$$50%は溶出・除去された。X線吸収分光の結果はウランの結合は細胞の生存率に大きく依存しており、生きた細胞では、炭素やリン原子との距離は同様であったが、秩序だったウランの結合環境が見られた。レーザー分光と組み合わせることで、菌細胞死によって放出されたと考えられる有機酸およびリン酸塩, 多糖類は、この系において最初のウランの結合を決定づけることがわかった。この結果は、フロントエンドにおける湿式精錬法においてウランの金属イオン封鎖作用を理解する重要な進展である。


Applications of time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy to the environmental biogeochemistry of actinides

Collins, R. N.*; 斉藤 拓巳*; 青柳 登; Payne, T. E.*; 木村 貴海; Waite, T. D.*

Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(3), p.731 - 741, 2011/05

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:63.43(Environmental Sciences)

Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) is a useful means of identifying certain actinide species resulting from various biogeochemical processes. In general, TRLFS differentiates chemical species of a fluorescent metal ion through analysis of different excitation and emission spectra and decay lifetimes. The main advantage of TRLFS over other advanced spectroscopic techniques is the ability to determine in situ metal speciation at environmentally relevant micromolar to picomolar concentrations. In the context of environmental biogeochemistry, TRLFS has principally been applied to studies of (1) metal speciation in aqueous and solid phases and (2) the coordination environment of metal ions sorbed to mineral and bacterial surfaces. In this review, the principles of TRLFS are described, and the literature reporting the application of this methodology to the speciation of actinides in systems of biogeochemical interest is assessed. Significant developments in TRLFS methodology and advanced data analysis are highlighted, and we outline how these developments have the potential to further our mechanistic understanding of actinide biogeochemistry.

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