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Residual stress relaxation by bending fatigue in induction-hardened gear studied by neutron Bragg edge transmission imaging and X-ray diffraction

Su, Y. H.; 及川 健一; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 堀野 孝*; 井戸原 修*; 三阪 佳孝*; 友田 陽*

International Journal of Fatigue, 174, p.107729_1 - 107729_12, 2023/09

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:81.78(Engineering, Mechanical)

A novel procedure, double induction quenching (DIQ), effective for improving the fatigue strength of gear products, has been used for producing gears with steep gradients of compressive residual stress generated in the tooth surface. We performed a Bragg edge imaging experiment at a pulsed neutron source to determine the spatial distribution of the {110} lattice spacing (d$$_{110}$$) and the broadening of the {110} Bragg edge (w$$_{110}$$) on the DIQ gear product after tooth-bending fatigue tests to which different loading cycles were applied. No significant difference occurred in the d$$_{110}$$ and the w$$_{110}$$at Hofer 's critical section of the teeth with different loading conditions within the accuracy of data analysis. However, we detected a decrease in the w$$_{110}$$ and changes in the residual lattice strain distribution in the axial direction along the tooth root directions at the opposite side of Hofer 's critical section for both teeth after 3$$times$$10 $$^{5}$$ and 8$$times$$10 $$^{5}$$ cycles, relieving the compressive residual stresses during the fatigue process. The residual stress close to the gear tooth surface determined by X-ray diffraction using sequential polishing showed a slight relaxation and redistribution from the tensile side in the hoop direction, complementary to the neutron Bragg edge imaging.


Neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging for microstructure and residual strain in induction hardened gears

Su, Y. H.; 及川 健一; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 堀野 孝*; 井戸原 修*; 三阪 佳孝*; 友田 陽*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 11, p.4155_1 - 4155_14, 2021/02

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:75.10(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

A time-of-flight Bragg-edge neutron transmission imaging was used to investigate the microstructure and strain distributions in a gear hardened by a newly developed two-step induction-heating method: precursor (Sample 1) and final product (Sample 2). The edge- position and edge-broadening were determined and mapped with high spatial resolution, which enabled us to confirm the two-dimensional distributions of the microstructure and residual strain. A deep hardened layer was made for Sample 1 in which martensite was formed on the entire teeth and the outer peripheral portion of the gear body. Sample 2 was subjected to double induction-hardening, where a tempered martensite was formed as the thermal refined microstructure between a fine-grained martensite at the tooth surface and a ferrite-pearlite microstructure at the core. The relationship between edge-broadening and the Vickers hardness described by a linear equation was employed to derive the elastic residual strain. The residual strain map for Sample 2 revealed that a steep compressive strain was introduced into the fine-grained martensite at the tooth surface by the super rapid induction- heating and quenching process. The reversal of tension was speculated to occur below 2 mm from the tooth tip, and the strain was almost zero in the core region.


L X-ray spectra of Fe and Cu by 0.75 MeV/u H, He, Si and Ar ion impacts

影山 拓良*; 川面 澄*; 高橋 竜平*; 荒井 重義*; 神原 正*; 大浦 正樹*; Papp, T.*; 金井 保之*; 粟谷 容子*; 竹下 英文; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 107(1-4), p.47 - 50, 1996/00

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:31.89(Instruments & Instrumentation)

高速のイオン-原子衝突では内殻電子の励起・電離が起きる。KX線については従来多くの研究があるが、LX線は複雑な遷移を有するため研究例が少ない。本研究では、0.75MeV/uのH, He, SiおよびArイオンによってFe及びCuターゲットから放出されるLX線スペクトルを高分解能結晶分光器を用いて測定した。その結果、H及びHeに較べてSiやArイオンではスペクトルがより複雑な構造を持つことが分かった。理論計算との比較から、多重空孔の生成がスペクトルの複雑化の原因であることを明らかにした。

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