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Maximizing $$T_c$$ by tuning nematicity and magnetism in FeSe$$_{1-x}$$S$$_x$$ superconductors

松浦 康平*; 水上 雄太*; 新井 佑基*; 杉村 優一*; 前島 尚行*; 町田 晃彦*; 綿貫 徹*; 福田 竜生; 矢島 健*; 廣井 善二*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 8, p.1143_1 - 1143_6, 2017/10

 被引用回数:80 パーセンタイル:91.49(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

A fundamental issue concerning iron-based superconductivity is the roles of electronic nematicity and magnetism in realising high transition temperature ($$T_c$$). To address this issue, FeSe is a key material, as it exhibits a unique pressure phase diagram involving nonmagnetic nematic and pressure-induced antiferromagnetic ordered phases. However, as these two phases in FeSe have considerable overlap, how each order affects superconductivity remains perplexing. Here we construct the three-dimensional electronic phase diagram, temperature ($$T$$) against pressure ($$P$$) and iso-valent S-substitution ($$x$$), for FeSe$$_{1-x}$$S$$_x$$. By simultaneously tuning chemical and physical pressures, against which the chalcogen height shows a contrasting variation, we achieve a complete separation of nematic and antiferromagnetic phases. In between, an extended nonmagnetic tetragonal phase emerges, where $$T_c$$ shows a striking enhancement. The completed phase diagram uncovers that high-$$T_c$$ superconductivity lies near both ends of the dome-shaped antiferromagnetic phase, whereas $$T_c$$ remainslow near the nematic critical point.


Progress of divertor simulation research toward the realization of detached plasma using a large tandem mirror device

中嶋 洋輔*; 武田 寿人*; 市村 和也*; 細井 克洋*; 大木 健輔*; 坂本 瑞樹*; 平田 真史*; 市村 真*; 池添 竜也*; 今井 剛*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463, p.537 - 540, 2015/08

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:84.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

A divertor simulation experimental module (D-module) with a V-shaped divertor target is installed in the west end-sell in GAMMA 10 large tandem mirror device, and a hydrogen plasma irradiation experiment to the target have been started to investigate radiation cooling mechanism on the target. A gas injection system is installed in the D-module and Langmuir probe and calorie meter array are mounted on the target plate. During the plasma irradiation, the highest electron density of 2.4 $$times$$ 10$$^{18}$$ m$$^{-3}$$ and a significant reduction of the electron temperature from a few tens of eV to 2 eV are achieved on the target plate by hydrogen and noble gas injection into the D-module.


Development of divertor simulation research in the GAMMA 10/PDX tandem mirror

中嶋 洋輔*; 坂本 瑞樹*; 吉川 正志*; 大木 健輔*; 武田 寿人*; 市村 和也*; 細井 克洋*; 平田 真史*; 市村 真*; 池添 竜也*; et al.

Proceedings of 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2014/10

In the large tandem mirror device GAMMA 10/PDX, a divertor simulation experimental module (D-module) with a V-shaped divertor target have been installed in the end-mirror. A massive gas injection of hydrogen and noble gases (argon and xenon) into the D-module during hydrogen plasma irradiation onto the target was performed, and plasma detachment from the target was investigated. Electron temperature measured by Langmuir probe array on the target was significantly reduced from a few tens of eV to $$<$$ 3 eV, and particle flux was also reduced. A bright H$$alpha$$ emission in the upstream region of the D-module and strong reduction near the target were observed by a two-dimensional image of H$$alpha$$ emission in the target observed with a high-speed camera. Molecular activated recombination (MAR) process is expected to contribute to the reduction of the electron temperature and the particle flux.


Interaction of zircaloy and molten mixture of stainless steel-B$$_{4}$$C at elevated temperatures

Pham, V. H.; 松浦 傑*; 南口 誠*; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝

no journal, , 

In this study, soaking experiments of Zry plates in molten SS-B$$_{4}$$C were conducted to investigate the recession rate of Zry plates in molten SS-B$$_{4}$$C at 1175-1225$$^{circ}$$C. The molten SS-B$$_{4}$$C mixture was prepared by heat-treatment at 1400$$^{circ}$$C for 12 h of a powder mixture containing 5 mol% B$$_{4}$$C and stainless steel. After decreasing temperature to the testing temperatures, Zry plates were soaked in the molten mixture for 0-60 min. After soaking tests, the Zry plates were pulled out of the molten mixture. The remaining thickness of Zry plates after the tests were measured by using optical microscope. To understand the influences of alloying elements in Zry and SS, three other sets of experiments (Zr plates in Fe-B$$_{4}$$C, Zr plates in SS-B$$_{4}$$C and Zry plates in Fe-B$$_{4}$$C) were also conducted. Results of the study indicated that the thickness of Zry plates decreased linearly with increase of soaking duration. The recession rate of Zry plates was increase with increase of testing temperatures. The value of apparent activation energy on the thickness recession rate of Zry plates was determined to be 333 kJ/mol. The alloying elements in SS showed a positive effect on suppression of Zry corrosion. In contrast, the alloying elements in Zry showed a negative effect on the process.


Polarised neutron spectrometer, POLANO, at J-PARC attempts at understanding novel magnetism

大山 研司*; 横尾 哲也*; 伊藤 晋一*; 鈴木 純一*; 岩佐 和晃*; 佐藤 卓*; 吉良 弘*; 坂口 佳史*; 猪野 隆*; 奥 隆之; et al.

no journal, , 

We aim at constructing a polarisation analysis neutron spectrometer at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) based on a collaboration of KEK and Tohoku Univ. The proposed instrument, named POLANO, is designed as a compact chopper spectrometer with a rotary detector bank ($$L_{1}$$ = 17.5 m, $$L_{2}$$ = 2.5 m). At the first phase of the project, we will concentrate the $$E_{i} < $$ 30 meV region using a fan type bender supermirror spin analyser because rich scientific targets in basic and application materials science exist in this region. In the second phase, we will try to install a $$^{3}$$He spin filter analyser for the $$E_{f} >$$ 100 meV region. This project passed in the final board of J-PARC on SEP-2011, and the construction has been authorized already.


Recession of ZrO$$_{2}$$ scale on fuel tube cladding by the melt of control rod assemble

中島 正太郎*; 松浦 傑*; 南口 誠*; 倉田 正輝; Pham, V. H.

no journal, , 

For a better understanding of the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, a reaction model of core melting process is very important. In this study, oxidized Zry plates were soaked into molten SS-B$$_{4}$$C mixture and heated into Ar gas at 1200$$^{circ}$$C. Recession of ZrO$$_{2}$$ scale was observed in the both cases. An oxygen solid solution region in the Zry sample was observed below ZrO$$_{2}$$ scale, although it was not observed in Zry oxidized at 600$$^{circ}$$C in high temperature steam conditions. When oxygen supply from the surrounding was halted, ZrO$$_{2}$$ scale can be reduced at high temperature such as 1200$$^{circ}$$C by oxygen dissolution into Zry inside.


Advanced multi-scale modeling and experimental tests on fuel degradation in severe accident conditions, 1-5; Model of reaction between control rod and channel box

Pham, V. H.; 松浦 傑*; 中島 正太郎*; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝

no journal, , 

In this study, soaking experiments of pre-oxidized zry plates in molten mixture of stainless steel and 5 mol% boron carbide were conducted at 1200-1250$$^{circ}$$C. Thickness of oxide layer, ZrO$$_{2}$$ was measured before and after the soaking test to investigate the ZrO$$_{2}$$ thickness recession in the molten mixture. Results of the study indicated that the thickness recession of ZrO$$_{2}$$ was mainly caused by the diffusion of oxygen from oxide layer to metallic-Zr region.



中島 正太郎*; 松浦 傑*; 南口 誠*; 倉田 正輝; Pham, V. H.

no journal, , 


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