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検索結果: 56 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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内藤 富士雄*; 穴見 昌三*; 池上 清*; 魚田 雅彦*; 大内 利勝*; 大西 貴博*; 大場 俊幸*; 帯名 崇*; 川村 真人*; 熊田 博明*; et al.

Proceedings of 13th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.1244 - 1246, 2016/11

いばらき中性子医療研究センターのホウ素中性子捕獲療法(iBNCT)システムは線形加速器で加速された8MeVの陽子をBe標的に照射し、中性子を発生させる。この線形加速器システムはイオン源, RFQ, DTL, ビーム輸送系と標的で構成されている。このシステムによる中性子の発生は2015年末に確認されているが、その後システムの安定性とビーム強度を共に高めるため多くの改修を施した。そして本格的なビームコミッショニングを2016年5月中旬から開始する。その作業の進展状況と結果を報告する。



西森 信行; 永井 良治; 森 道昭; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 内山 隆司*; Jin, X.*; 帯名 崇*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.511 - 515, 2015/09



Development of a high-brightness and high-current electron gun for high-flux $$gamma$$-ray generation

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 内山 隆司*; 栗木 雅夫*

Nuclear Physics and $$gamma$$-ray sources for Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation, p.321 - 326, 2014/12

The quantification of fissile materials such as uranium-235 and plutonium-239 in spent fuel assemblies requires isotope-specific identification. We propose the use of nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) to identify the isotopic composition of sample materials nondestructively. The proposed nondestructive isotope identification system requires a high-intensity mono-energetic $$gamma$$-ray beam. Although a mono-energetic $$gamma$$-ray beam can be generated using a conventional laser Compton scattering technique, the generation of a high-intensity $$gamma$$-ray beam requires an electron beam of unprecedentedly high brightness, which can be generated with an advanced accelerator system known as the energy recovery linac (ERL). A technological challenge of the ERL system, which we have addressed, is the development of a high-brightness, high-current electron gun. Our current status of development and operational experience of our gun is presented.


Analysis on effects of transverse electric field in an injector cavity of compact-ERL at KEK

Hwang, J.-G.*; Kim, E.-S.*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 原田 健太郎*; 島田 美帆*; 高井 良太*; 久米 達哉*; 長橋 進也*; 帯名 崇*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 753, p.97 - 104, 2014/07

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:48.01(Instruments & Instrumentation)

For a future synchrotron light source based on a linac, e.g. an X-ray free electron laser and an energy recovery linac (ERL), an injector is a key component to generate a high brightness electron beam. For the acceleration and transportation of the electron beam in the injector, the adjustment of beam orbit inside the cavity is important to avoid the deterioration of the beam quality due to the transverse electric field of it, which causes the transverse emittance growth. To adjust the beam orbit, an investigation of the electromagnetic center of the cavity is required in the beam operation. This paper shows a new method for measuring the electromagnetic center of the cavity, and describes an analytical model of emittance growth due to a combination of transverse electric field and orbit offset. The validation of the method was confirmed by the emittance measurement in the compact ERL (cERL) injector at KEK.



西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 内山 隆司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.174 - 178, 2014/06



Experimental investigation of an optimum configuration for a high-voltage photoemission gun for operation at $$geq$$ 500 kV

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 17(5), p.053401_1 - 053401_17, 2014/05

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:79.89(Physics, Nuclear)

We have demonstrated generation of a 500-keV electron beam from a high DC voltage photoemission gun for an energy recovery linac light source. This demonstration was achieved by addressing two discharge problems that lead to vacuum breakdown of the DC gun. One is field emission generated from a central stem electrode. The other is microdischarge at an anode electrode or a vacuum chamber, which is triggered by microparticle transfer or field emission from a cathode electrode. An experimental investigation has revealed that larger acceleration gap optimized to mainly reduce surface electric field of anode electrode results in suppression of the microdischarge events which accompany gas desorption. It has also been found that non evaporable getter pumps placed around the acceleration gap greatly help suppress those microdischarge events. The applied voltage as a function of the total gas desorption is shown to be a good measure to find the optimum DC gun configuration.


Progress in a photocathode DC gun at the compact ERL

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*

Proceedings of 35th International Free-Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2013) (Internet), p.184 - 188, 2013/08

Photocathode DC gun to produce a train of electron bunch at high-average current and small emittance is a key component of advanced accelerators for high-power beams. However, DC guns operated at a voltage above 350 kV have suffered from field emitted electrons from a support rod since the development of Lasertron in 1980's. This critical issue has been resolved by a novel configuration, segmented insulator and guard rings, adopted in a DC gun at JAEA and stable application of high voltage at 550 kV has been demonstrated. The gun has been installed at the Compact ERL at KEK and ready for the beam generation. Similar type of DC guns are under development at KEK, Cornell, JLAB and IHEP. In this talk, we present progress in photocathode DC gun for high voltage and small emittance.



西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.255 - 259, 2013/08



Generation of a 500-keV electron beam from a high voltage photoemission gun

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*

Applied Physics Letters, 102(23), p.234103_1 - 234103_4, 2013/06

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:63.02(Physics, Applied)

High-brightness and high-current electron guns for the future light sources such as energy recovery linac light sources and high repetition rate X-ray free electron lasers require exit beam energy of 500 keV or more to reduce space charge induced emittance growth in a drift space from the gun exit to the following superconducting accelerator entrance. At Japan Atomic Energy Agency, we have developed a DC photoemission gun employing a segmented insulator to mitigate the field emission problem, that is a major obstacle for the DC gun from being operated at 500 kV or more. Recent results of generating 500 keV electron beam with current up to 1.8 mA is presented.


Beam generation from a 500 kV DC photoemission electron gun

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*

Proceedings of 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '13) (Internet), p.321 - 323, 2013/05

The next generation light sources such as energy recovery linac (ERL) light sources and X-ray FEL oscillator requires high brightness electron gun with megahertz repetition rate. We have developed a DC photoemission electron gun at JAEA for the Japanese ERL light source project. This DC gun employs a segmented insulator with guard rings to protect the insulator from field emission generated from central stem electrode. We have successfully applied 500 kV on the ceramics with a cathode electrode in place and generated beam from the 500 kV DC photoemission gun in October 2012. Details of the beam generation test at 440 kV as well as 500 kV are presented.


Development of a photoemission DC Gun at JAEA

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 松葉 俊哉; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 34th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2012) (Internet), p.161 - 164, 2012/08

The next generation light source such as X-ray FEL oscillator requires high brightness electron gun with megahertz repetition rate. We have developed a photoemission DC gun at JAEA. By employing a segmented insulator with rings which guard the ceramics from field emission, we successfully applied 500-kV on the ceramics with a center stem electrode for eight hours without any discharge in 2009. This high voltage testing was performed with a simple configuration without NEG pumps and electrodes. In 2011 we reached 526-kV with NEG pumps and electrodes, before suffering another field emission problem from the cathode electrode. The problem may be attributed to small dust inside our gun chamber. We found wiping the cathode electrode with a lint free tissue could remove the field emission site effectively. Noble gas conditioning is also planned to remove the emission site without air exposure of the gun chamber.



西森 信行; 永井 良治; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; 奥見 正治*; et al.

Proceedings of 8th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.20 - 23, 2011/08



Development of a 500-kV photocathode DC gun for ERLs

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; 奥見 正治*; 中西 彊*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 298, p.012005_1 - 012005_6, 2011/06

An electron gun capable of delivering high current and high brightness electron beam is indispensable for ERL light sources. A high voltage photocathode DC gun is a promising gun for such new light sources. It is however difficult to apply DC high voltage on a ceramic insulator with a rod supporting cathode electrode because of field emission from the rod. In order to mitigate the problem, we have employed a segmented insulator with rings which guard the ceramics from the field emission. We have recently succeeded in applying 500-kV on the ceramics for eight hours without any discharge. Our recent development will be presented at the workshop.


Development of a 500-kV photo-cathode DC gun for ERL light sources

西森 信行; 永井 良治; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 武藤 俊哉*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 25th International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2010) (CD-ROM), p.995 - 997, 2010/09

A high voltage photocathode DC gun is a promising gun for new generation energy recovery linac light sources. We recently succeeded in applying 500-kV on the ceramics for eight hours without any discharge for the first time. This high voltage testing was performed with a simple configuration without NEG pumps and electrodes. The next step is to repeat the same high voltage testing with a full configuration necessary for beam generation. We have designed electrodes for the maximum surface electric field not to exceed 11 MV/m at 500 kV while keeping the distance between the electrodes 100 mm. NEG pumps with a pumping speed of 7200 L/s have been installed in the gun chamber. A photocathode preparation system was connected to the gun chamber and beam generation is planned this summer.



山本 将博*; 内山 隆司*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 佐藤 康太郎*; 松葉 俊哉*; 斉藤 義男*; 小林 正則*; 栗巣 普揮*; 羽島 良一; et al.

Proceedings of 7th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (DVD-ROM), p.717 - 720, 2010/08




永井 良治; 西森 信行; 羽島 良一; 武藤 俊哉*; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 7th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (DVD-ROM), p.806 - 808, 2010/08

ERLを基盤とした次世代光源のために設計された500kV, 10mA光陰極電子銃を原子力機構,高エネルギー加速器研究機構,広島大学,名古屋大学の共同研究により開発した。われわれはサポートロッドから放出される電子によるセラミック管の損傷を防ぐために、分割型セラミック管とガードリングを採用した。その電子銃において550kVまでの高電圧コンディショニングと加速電圧500kVでの8時間無放電保持に成功した。加速電極,ビームラインの組み立てが現在行われており、まもなくビーム試験が開始される。



西森 信行; 永井 良治; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 宮島 司*; 本田 洋介*; 武藤 俊哉*; 飯島 北斗*; 栗木 雅夫*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 7th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (DVD-ROM), p.802 - 805, 2010/08




永井 良治; 羽島 良一; 西森 信行; 武藤 俊哉*; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 栗木 雅夫*; 飯島 北斗*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

加速器, 7(2), p.88 - 94, 2010/07

ERLを基盤とした次世代光源のために設計された500kV, 10mA光陰極DC電子銃を原子力機構,高エネルギー加速器研究機構,広島大学,名古屋大学の共同研究により開発した。われわれはサポートロッドから放出される電子によるセラミック管の損傷を防ぐために、分割型セラミック管とガードリングを採用した。その500kV電子銃において550kVまでの高電圧コンディショニングと加速電圧500kVでの8時間無放電保持に成功した。その電子銃はコンククロフト・ウォルトン電源,分割型セラミック管,ガードリング,サポートロッド,真空容器,絶縁ガスタンクで構成されている。加速電極,ビームラインの組み立てが現在行われており、まもなくビーム試験が開始される。


Recent progress in the energy recovery linac project in Japan

坂中 章悟*; 明本 光生*; 青戸 智浩*; 荒川 大*; 浅岡 聖二*; 榎本 収志*; 福田 茂樹*; 古川 和朗*; 古屋 貴章*; 芳賀 開一*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.2338 - 2340, 2010/05



High-voltage test of a 500-kV photocathode DC gun for the ERL light sources in Japan

永井 良治; 羽島 良一; 西森 信行; 武藤 俊哉*; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 栗木 雅夫*; 飯島 北斗*; 桑原 真人*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.2341 - 2343, 2010/05

原子力機構, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構,広島大学,名古屋大学の共同研究により500-kV, 10-mA光陰極直流電子銃を開発している。われわれはサポートロッドから放出される電子によるセラミック管の損傷を防ぐために分割型セラミック管とガードリングを採用し、550kVまでの高電圧の印加に成功した。カソード電極,アノード電極及びビームラインは現在組立て中であり、まもなくビーム試験が開始される見込みである。高電圧試験と電子銃開発の現状の詳細について報告する。

56 件中 1件目~20件目を表示