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JAEA Reports

Investigation and consideration on evaluation of radiation doses to residents in the case of a nuclear emergency

Hashimoto, Makoto; Kinase, Sakae; Munakata, Masahiro; Murayama, Takashi; Takahashi, Masa; Takada, Chie; Okamoto, Akiko; Hayakawa, Tsuyoshi; Sukegawa, Masato; Kume, Nobuhide*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2020-071, 53 Pages, 2021/03


In the case of a nuclear accident or a radiological emergency, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), as a designated public corporation assigned in the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and the Armed Attack Situation Response Law, undertakes technical supports to the national government and local governments. The JAEA is requested to support to evaluate radiation doses to residents in a nuclear emergency, which is specified in the Basic Disaster Management Plan and the Nuclear Emergency Response Manual. For the dose evaluation, however, its strategy, target, method, structure and so on have not been determined either specifically or in detail. This report describes the results of investigation and consideration discussed in the "Working Group for Radiation Dose Evaluation at a Nuclear Emergency" established within the Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center to discuss technical supports for radiation dose evaluation to residents in the case of a nuclear emergency, and aims at contributing to specific and detailed discussion and activities in the future for the national government and local governments, also within the JAEA.

JAEA Reports

Characteristics of OSL dosimeter as individual monitoring for external radiation

Suzuki, Akifumi; Suzuki, Takehiko; Takahashi, Masa; Nakata, Toru; Murayama, Takashi; Tsunoda, Masahiko

JAEA-Technology 2014-049, 19 Pages, 2015/03


Optically Stimulated Luminescence, OSL, dosimeters have been used as individual dosimeters for external radiation in Nuclear Science Research Institute and so on since October, 2014 as successor of the RPL glass dosimeters. Characteristics of the OSL dosimeters such as dose linearity, energy response, angular dependence, fading characteristics and responses at mixed irradiation fields were examined prior to the start of use. As a result, it was found that the OSL dosimeters met the performances that the national standard (JIS Z 4339) determined. The characteristics of OSL dosimeters were comparable with those of the RPL glass dosimeters. In conclusion, it was confirmed the OSL dosimeters had sufficient performances for the practical use on individual monitoring. This report shows the testing methods and the results for the characteristics of OSL dosimeters.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of dose attenuation factor of armored car against radiation accidents

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Fujii, Katsutoshi; Murayama, Takashi; Sakamoto, Yukio; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Sato, Yukio*; Soma, Nobuyuki*; Fujisaki, Noboru*; Hara, Satoshi*; Aikawa, Yukio*; et al.

JAERI-Tech 2002-028, 20 Pages, 2002/03


Tokyo Fire Department developed an armored car against radiation accidents. Dose attenuation factors of the radiation shields had been determined by a simple estimation, and a more precise evaluation was required. By request from Tokyo Fire Department, a precise evaluation of the dose attenuation factor was carried out. The evaluation was done by a Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation code MCNP4B. Benchmark experiments using neutron and gamma ray sources were also performed for ensuring the evaluation method. As a result, it was found out that doses of neutron and gamma ray were attenuated to approximately 10% and 25% by the thickest shield, respectively. These values were close to the ones which had already obtained by the simple estimation.

JAEA Reports

Basic characteristics examination of DIS(Direct Ion Storage) dosimeter

Dung, N. P.; Murayama, Takashi; Otsuji, Katsuhiro*; Obata, Kazuichi; Murakami, Hiroyuki

JAERI-Tech 2001-047, 28 Pages, 2001/07


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Characteristics of X ray calibration fields for performance test of radiation measuring instruments

; Takahashi, Fumiaki; Sawahata, Tadahiro*; ; ; Murayama, Takashi

JAERI-Tech 99-004, 89 Pages, 1999/02


no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Thyroid monitoring using NaI survey meter for emergency workers on the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP

Takahashi, Masa; Suzuki, Takehiko; Murayama, Takashi; Oi, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Takashi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Present status of calibration fields and collaborative activities at the Facility of Radiation Standards (FRS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)

Kowatari, Munehiko; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Nishino, Sho; Tanimura, Yoshihiko; Murayama, Takashi; Oishi, Tetsuya; Yoshizawa, Michio

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

The Facility of Radiation Standards in Japan Atomic Energy Agency; Recent activities with a focus on Establishment of Accredited Testing Laboratory

Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Tsuji, Tomoya; Fukami, Tomoyo; Nishino, Sho; Takamine, Jun; Murayama, Takashi; Tanimura, Yoshihiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Whole-body measurements for people living in Fukushima prefecture

Nakagawa, Takahiro; Takada, Chie; Kanai, Katsuta; Murayama, Takashi; Miyauchi, Hideaki; Suzuki, Takehiko; Sato, Yoshitaka; Ezaki, Hiroko; Imahashi, Atsushi; Isozaki, Kohei; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Establishment of the JIS testing laboratory at the JAEA-FRS

Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Nishino, Sho; Tsuji, Tomoya; Fukami, Tomoyo; Takamine, Jun; Umino, Kazushige*; Murayama, Takashi; Tanimura, Yoshihiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Personal monitoring for assistance staff to Fukushima

Suzuki, Takehiko; Murayama, Takashi; Miyauchi, Hideaki; Sato, Yoshitaka; Oi, Yoshihiro; Tachibana, Haruo; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

Nuclear Science Research Institute is assisting activities concerning the accident of the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Station including the environmental monitoring and the resident's house decontamination, etc. In these assistance, we executing the personal monitoring to assistance staff, because there was fear of the external exposure and the internal exposure. We did by the measurement and the evaluation method of the personal monitoring in consideration of the rise of the environmental background level. We introduce the method of use to evaluate the exposed dose etc.

Oral presentation

Failure situation of monitors and survey meters in Nuclear Science Research Institute

Nidaira, Atsushi; Murayama, Takashi; Taguchi, Kazuaki; Futagawa, Kazuo; Suzuki, Takashi; Oi, Yoshihiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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