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Journal Articles

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Masaki*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ando, Masanori; Ashida, Takashi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Doda, Norihiro; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ezure, Toshiki; Fukano, Yoshitaka; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

This book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of two reactors, the latest knowledge and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan. It is intended to provide the perspective and the relevant knowledge to enable readers to become more familiar with SFR technology.

Journal Articles

Sequestration and oxidation of Cr(III) by fungal Mn oxides with Mn(II) oxidizing activity

Suzuki, Ryohei*; Tani, Yukinori*; Naito, Hirotaka*; Miyata, Naoyuki*; Tanaka, Kazuya

Catalysts, 10(1), p.44_1 - 44_15, 2020/01

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:38.83(Chemistry, Physical)

We prepared biogenic Mn oxides (BMOs) using ${it Acremonium strictum}$ strain KR21-2, and subsequently conducted single or repeated treatment experiments in Cr(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{3}$$ at pH6.0. Under aerobic conditions, newly formed BMOs exhibited a rapid production of Cr(VI) without a significant release of Mn(II), demonstrating that newly formed BMO mediates a catalytic oxidation of Cr(III) with a self-regeneration step of reduced Mn. In anaerobic solution, newly formed BMOs showed a cessation of Cr(III) oxidation in the early stage of the reaction, and subsequently had a much smaller Cr(VI) production with significant release of reduced Mn(II).

Journal Articles

Development of a Rh-intelligent catalyst

Naito, Kazuya*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*; Taniguchi, Masashi*; Uenishi, Mari*; Tan, Isao*; Kajita, Nobuhiko*; Takahashi, Ichiro*; Suzuki, Hiromasa*; Narita, Keiichi*; Hirai, Akimasa*; et al.

SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition Technical Papers, 8 Pages, 2006/00

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Journal Articles

Noninductive current drive and steady-state operation in JT-60U

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Ide, Shunsuke; Oikawa, Toshihiro; Suzuki, Takahiro; Kamada, Yutaka; Fujita, Takaaki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Naito, Osamu; Matsuoka, Mamoru*; Kondoh, Takashi; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology (JT-60 Special Issue), 42(2-3), p.255 - 277, 2002/09

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:15.15(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Studies on non-inductive current drive and development of an integrated steady-state high performance operation in JT-60 are reviewed. Experiments on lower hybrid current drive in JT-60 haven shown a large non-inductive current up to 3.5MA, high current drive efficiency of 3.6x1019m-2A/W. Basic studies on LH waves in JT-60 have contributed to understand current drive physics. Significant progress in neutral beam current drive has been made in JT-60 by testing the performance of negative ion based NBI (N-NBI). The CD efficiency of ~1.5x1019m-2A /W, and N-NB driven current of ~1MA have been demonstrated in N-NBCD. Strongly localized driven current by electron cyclotron current drive was identified with a fundamental O-mode scheme. Efficiency of 0.5x1019m-2A/W and EC driven current of 0.2MA were achieved and suppression of neo-classical tearing mode was demonstrated. Based on these developments, two integrated steady-state operation scenarios were developed in JT-60, which are reversed magnetic shear (R/S) plasmas and high bp ELMy H-mode. In these operation regimes, discharges have been sustained near the steady-state current profile under full non-inductive current drive. High performance plasmas with a high nDotETio and at high normalized density were also produced under fully non-inductive condition in high bp ELMy H-mode and R/S mode.

Journal Articles

Design of the toroidal field coil for A-SSTR2 using high Tc superconductor

Ando, Toshinari; Kato, Takashi; Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Nishio, Satoshi; Kurihara, Ryoichi; Aoki, Isao; Hamada, Kazuya; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Naito, Shuji*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 58-59, p.13 - 16, 2001/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:58.96(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

LHRF current drive experiments on JT-60

Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Naito, Osamu; Yoshida, Hidetoshi; Seki, Masami; Itami, Kiyoshi; Nagashima, Keisuke; Uehara, Kazuya; Nagashima, Takashi

Kaku Yugo Kenkyu, 65(SPECIAL ISSUE), p.99 - 118, 1991/03

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Journal Articles

LHRF heating experiments on JT-60

Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Naito, Osamu; Yoshida, Hidetoshi; Seki, Masami; Nemoto, Masahiro; Sato, Masayasu; Koide, Yoshihiko; Uehara, Kazuya; et al.

Kaku Yugo Kenkyu, 65(SPECIAL ISSUE), p.119 - 132, 1991/03

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Journal Articles

Deterioration and improvement of hot plasma confinement in magnetic fusion devices

Uehara, Kazuya; Naito, Osamu; Seki, Masami; Hoshino, Katsumichi

Physical Review Letters, 64(7), p.757 - 760, 1990/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:46.24(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Efficient lower hybird current drive us ing multijunction launcher on JT-60

Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Seki, Masami; ; Naito, Osamu; Honda, Masao; ; Maebara, Sunao; Nagashima, Takashi; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 29(10), p.1815 - 1819, 1989/10

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:70.10(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

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Journal Articles

Lower hybrid current drive efficiency in the JT-60 tokamak

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Naito, Osamu; Uehara, Kazuya; Yoshida, Hidetoshi; Kubo, Hirotaka; JT-60 Team

Nuclear Fusion, 29(6), p.1052 - 1055, 1989/06

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:81.44(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

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Journal Articles

Simultaneous heating by high power lower hybrid waves and neutral beams in the JT-60 tokamak

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Sakamoto, Keishi; F.X.Soeldner*; ; Tsuji, Shunji; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Naito, Osamu; Uehara, Kazuya; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 29(2), p.265 - 276, 1989/02

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:58.77(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

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JAEA Reports

Lower hybrid wave heating into neutral beam heated plasma in the JT-60 tokamak

Ushigusa, Kenkichi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Sakamoto, Keishi; F.X.Soldner*; ; Tsuji, Shunji; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Naito, Osamu; Uehara, Kazuya; et al.

JAERI-M 88-115, 28 Pages, 1988/06


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12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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